Thursday, October 5, 2023


Today's reading: Proverbs 28

"The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions." Proverbs 28:1 NLT

The newest fad is finding out what personality type you are based on the enneagram.

Before that it was what color suited your character traits.

And before that, we were assigned animals to denote what kind of person you were.

If I remember correctly, a loyal and devoted person was said to be like a golden retriever.

A hard working and industrious individual was said to have otter-like tendencies.

Maybe a lazy person was a sloth?

And a person with exuberance was a tiger...but I may be crossing my psychological demarcations with what I know of Winnie the Pooh and his 100 Acre Woods friends.

All that to say this...

Christian friend, are you as bold as a lion in your beliefs, your desire to share Christ and your determination that all should know the Hope you have?

Do you stand your ground?

Do you watch for opportunities to jump into conversations?

Do you determine what topics are discussed around you--and what things are off limits?

We have a great, big God living within us. Shouldn't that make us bold?

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