Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Today's reading: Genesis 32-35

"Then Jacob prayed, O God of my grandfather Abraham and my father, Isaac--Oh Lord, you told me to return to my land and to my relatives, and you promised to treat me kindly." Genesis 32:9 NLT

Jacob gives us a prime example of how to pray in this portion of God's Word.

He doesn't sit quietly pondering what to say.

We don't find him at a loss for words.

He isn't writing and re-writing what it is he wants to/ought to/can say to the Lord.

He simply repeats back to God what God's already said to him...

You told me...

You promised...

We cannot go wrong praying back to God what God's spoken.

We can find His promises throughout Scripture.

We can find 'thus saith the Lord' on just about every page of our Bible.

We can search out what's written in red to lead us in prayer.

When we pray back to God what He has already spoken, we're not going to mess up!

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