Friday, August 25, 2017

Today's reading: Hosea 1-7

"...Bring her back to you and love her, even though she loves adultery..." Hosea 3:1 NLT


I know this entire account was written about me.

Sure, You've changed the names as not to point directly at me, but I know it's me.

I can hear You whisper those words to Jesus as He went to the cross.

'Yes, I know she likes to place other things ahead of Me. Sure, she would rather be in the number one spot than allow Me to be there. I know her heart gets distracted from Me...but bring her back to Me and allow Me to love her eternally.'

Thank You God for encouraging Your Son to die on the cross for me.

I know I wasn't worth it, but I also see where You receive all the glory for it!


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