Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 11-15

"But whenever you were in distress and turned to the Lord, the  God of Israel, and sought him out, you found him." 2 Chronicles 15:4 NLT

Distress, it can be caused by others--or it can be by our own doing.

Distress leaves us needing something, lacking something, having to deal with something or wishing something had never happened.

Distress, at the mere scent of it or in the depths of it, can be used to turn us to the Lord.

And when we turn...

We we seek Him out...

When we repent of our sins or surrender to His all-knowing and all-loving will...

We will find Him.


With His arms wide open, ready to accept us. Scooping us up into His lap and showering us with His grace.

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