Thursday, July 11, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 81-83

"But no, my people wouldn't listen. Israel did not want me around." Psalm 81:11 NLT

The condition our hearts are in...

The mess our families are in...

The state our country is in...

The turmoil our churches are in...

If we dissected, autopsied and biopsied them, we would find that this verse sums up the problem--we just wouldn't listen.

Do I believe we could have another Garden of Eden with our simple obedience? NO. But I do believe a whole lot of the hurt we find our hearts aching over comes from our not listening to our Father.

Choosing our own way.

Thinking we know better.

Attempting to help Him out instead of being still before Him.

Believing His commands are mere recommendations, not rules for living.

Let's listen. Simple listen.


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