Monday, April 29, 2019

Today's reading: Judges 8:1-9:21, Luke 19:1-28, Psalm 74:12-17

"The crowd was listening to everything Jesus said..." Luke 19:11 NLT

I can imagine the throngs of people following close to this hometown rabbi.

I can see them, in my mind, leaning in to every word He spoke.

I can picture their minds whirling with what He said.

I can envision the hush that would fall over the crowd as His voice began to orate what His Father has said.

I see the church doing that today.


I see the Christians doing that today.


Here is what I don't see a lot of...following through and doing what we hear Him say.

It's true.

If we are hearing His word proclaimed from our pulpits, how it is influencing our homes?

Our neighborhoods?

Our communities?

Our country?

There is listening, which is great and important and a first step--but then there is doing what we are told to do, what He hear Him ask us to do, what He says we should be doing as His own.

Don't just stop at listening.

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