Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 21-24

"...Ahaziah was given a decent burial because the people said, He was the grandson of Jehoshaphat--a man who sought the Lord with all his heart..." 2 Chronicles 22:9 NLT

I don't know what legacy you've been left by your grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great grandparents.

I don't know if you've been given good amounts of money, good genes or a good name because of your association with them.

Maybe you have inherited something of value, something of historical significance, something of sentimental worth.

Have you received, from your predecessors, godly examples to follow?

Were your ancestors of high regard in their church?

Did your family wholeheartedly serve the Lord?

While that type of inheritance is the greatest to be had, it won't get you to heaven.

You'll not be riding the coattails of a God-fearing, Bible-believing, church-attending relative into God's presence.

You won't be able to slip God the name of your deacon-Granddad and get a free pass.

You won't be able to mention Great-Grandma's name and be let in a special door.

God will ask, Do you know my Son?

Did you accept from Him the free gift of salvation?

Have you, you specifically, asked for forgiveness of your sins?

Godly heritage is a blessing to be had. It is not, however, a Get-Out-Of-Hell-Free card.

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