Thursday, February 29, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 24-26

"My eyes are always looking to the Lord for help, for he alone can rescue me from the traps of my enemies." Psalm 25:15 NLT

Ever taken a craftsman's, artisan's or vocational class? One in which you needed to keep your eyes on the instructor all the while attempting to do your own project?

Ever sat beside a grandmother while she taught you to knit or crochet? Your eyes were glued to her deft fingers while attempting not to get your own 'knit and purled' into the scarf you were attempting?

Maybe you've stood at the kitchen counter with a friend who was skilled in dough making, up to your own elbows in flour, watching her every move?

Have you been to an acrylics class in which you attempted to follow the instructor's every move with your brush? Your attention is torn between your own canvas and the one the artist seemingly flourishes upon?

What about in your walk with the Lord?

Are your eyes glued upon His leadings?

Is your heart set on following the instructions given in His Word?

Are you determining to be sensitive to any and all nudges given to you by the Holy Spirit?

Are you asking in prayer before taking a single step forward?

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