Wednesday, June 16, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 72-74

"Both day and night belong to You; You made the starlight and the sun. You set the boundaries of the earth, and you make both summer and winter." Psalm 74:16-17 NLT

Do you have a GPS?

The one we have is an older model and when it needs to reset or realign its bearings it says, 'Recalibrating! Recalibrating!'

During it's time of refocusing, it does nothing else. It gives no direction. It provides no instruction. It points in no particular way.

It's having to find it's satellite, is my assumption. It's signal. It's 'true north' so that its instructions can be accurate and dependable.

We need to do the same thing!

I thought of that when I read today's verses.

It's elementary to think about God owning night and day, the stars and the sun. It's child-like to get down to the basics of Him creating the world and the boundaries of it--but isn't that just where we need to be at times?

Don't we all need to get back to that particular reset? That True North?

To remember that we are not in charge.

To remember that all is firmly and securely in His hands.

To remember how long it has been governed by Him.

To remember the amazing statistics of His track record--and the appalling poor quality of our own.

To remember who He is and who we are not.

It's time we 'recalibrate', and I think these verses are a good place to start.

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