Saturday, October 24, 2020

Today's reading: Luke 7-8

"The disciples woke him up, shouting, Master, Master, we're going to drown!.." Luke 7:24 NLT

I'm always thinking how exciting it would be to have walked on earth with Jesus.

To have sandaled up to stroll along with Him along the Sea of Galilee.

To have nibbled on some of the bread and fish He miraculously produced from a little boy's lunch.

To have sat at His feet and heard His parables first hand.

I've always assumed my faith would have been stronger. Would have been deeper. Would have been more sincere.

But this morning, when I read this verse, I realized something...

The Master that walks with me each day...

The Lord that speaks to me each morning through His Word...

The Creator that touches the morning sky with His paintbrush...

The Sustainer that provides me with joy and peace and grace every daybreak...

The Savior that washed clean my sins...

The Great Shepherd who leads me beside still waters and guides me through dark valleys...

Doesn't need to be awakened. For He never sleeps. Ever.

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