Thursday, July 25, 2024

Today's reading: Psalm 87-89

"You are the one who rules the oceans. When their waves rise in fearful storms, you subdue them." Psalm 89:9 NLT

I don't know about the waves washing up against the little boat of your life--but I know God controls them.

A sea as still as glass surrounds you?

Maybe the ripples are calming.

Maybe the surf pound against your aging vessel in ways that leaves you doubting its safety.

Quite possibly the torrents are beginning to slosh inside your raft and you are bailing water out by the buckets-ful.

There is a huge possibility you see breakers and white caps on the horizon. There seems to be nothing you can do about their arrival but to batten down the hatches.

As a believer, you have a personal relationship with the One who rules the oceans. The very One who controls each and every wave.

Our God determines how high, how deep, how far and how wide each ripple of the ocean extends...what it will touch...where it begins...where it fades into nothingness.

Sure the crashing waves look daunting and fear-filled, if we look directly into them. But if we gaze intentionally and intently into the face of the One who controls them we can face the storms with a peace that passes all understanding.

We know the Master of the waves.

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