Saturday, January 14, 2023


Today's reading: Matthew 3-4

"Prove by the way you live that you have really turned from your sins and turned to God." Matthew 3:8 NLT

The 'proof in the pudding' isn't your Sunday-self.

It's not the you that's dressed up, carrying your Bible, sitting in the pew while worship music swirls around you.

It's not the you sitting in the uncomfortable metal folding chair as you tell another Bible account to a bunch of wiggling, whining, ready for snacks, Sunday School littles.

It's not the you the pastor calls on to pray on Sunday morning.

The true proof of your relationship with God is your Monday through Saturday self.

The sitting in traffic self.

The cut off in traffic self.

The waiting in the drive thru self.

The cleaning up another cup of spilled milk self.

The picking up the phone and refusing to allow gossip to enter the conversation self.

So, if you think back over your week, Sunday excluded, is there any proof that you have turned from your sins and turned back to God?

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