Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Today's reading: Genesis 19-20, Matthew 6:19-34, Psalm 8

"When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers--the moon and the stars you have set in place--what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us?" Psalm 8:3 NLT

Maybe, just maybe, David wrote this psalm while he was still a young, fresh-faced shepherd boy.

He quite possibly jotted down the lyrics and set it to tune while sitting on a rock in the pasture at night.

He could have written these words as he was hearing the low grumble of a lion pacing around the flock and every shadow growing in size as the night became darker and darker.

His pen could have shaken as he listened to the unnerving night sounds.

Maybe it's then he chose to look up.

Into the night sky.

That's when he saw God's handiwork.

It's when he was reminded of the praise due God.

That might have been the point at which the lion quieted, the shadows revealed themselves for truth and the night sounds became more background music than fearful.

You and I need to take note!

We've got to stop focusing on the problems, the doubts, the fears and our failures.

It's 'when' we look at His creation He is revealed and our hearts are settled. 

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