Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Today's reading:  Psalm 122-123

"If the Lord had not been on our side--let Israel now say--if the Lord had not been on our side when people rose up against us, they would have swallowed us alive because of their burning anger against us.  The waters would have engulfed us; a torrent would have overwhelmed us."  Psalm 124:1-4 NLT

Helen Baylor has written a song entitled, If It Had Not Been For The Lord On My Side.

It's not new.

It's quite possibly not in your preferred genre of music.

I haven't heard it sang in ages.

But the words go right alongside what David wrote in Psalm 124--a song they think he wrote after defeating the Philistines.  For the second time.  No, not the showdown with Goliath.  As if the first time wasn't enough.

We sometimes have to stand up to our enemies after we think they've left town.  That's OK, you see, God's on our side!

If It Had, Not, Been For The Lord, On My Side
Where Would I Be?, Where Would I Be?
If It Had Not Been For The Lord On My Side
Where Would I Be? Where Would I Be?

He Kept My Enemies Away
He Let The Sun Shine Though A Cloudy Day
Oh, He Wrapped Me In The Cradle Of His Arms
When He Knew I' Been Battered And Torn,

He Never Left Me All Alone
He Gave Me Peace And Joy I've Never Known
He Answered When I Knelt To Him In Prayer
And In Victory The Lord Brought Me This Way,

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