Today's reading: John 7-9
"Jesus replied, I assure you that everyone who sins is a slave to sin." John 8:34 NLT
We all commit sins.
We might even go so far as to debate that we commit (something we do) and we omit (something we fail to do) sins.
But being a slave to sin? Being controlled by it? Not having a say in the matter whatsoever? Held hostage by the act?
Today I'm listening for the 'rattling of chains' in regards to my actions.
I'm asking God to make we full aware of what sins are enslaving me.
I want to hear from Him, not take my own word on it--as I am too lenient upon myself.
God, help me hear where the chains rattle in regards to my sins. Help me see what's holding me back, holding me down and holding my heart.