Monday, July 1, 2024


Today's reading: Luke 17-18

" Jesus asked, Didn't I heal ten men? Where are the other nine?" Luke 17:7 NLT

Ever just sat flabbergasted at all God has blessed you with?

Health. Wealth. Family. Salvation. Friends. Creation. His presence. I could go on.

This morning is one of those types of times--I'm weepy over all He has given me.

Especially as I read about the ten lepers.

Too many days I am one of ' the other nine'.

I fail to notice all He's done. I hesitate to thank Him. I accept all He gives as entitlement. I errantly believe I've had a hand in anything I've accumulated.

But this morning? 

I'm thanking Him.

I'm talking to Him about all I appreciate Him doing for me.

I'm pausing long enough to gaze on the Giver, not the gift.

I'm allotting more time in gratitude than in asking.

This morning I'm 'the one'.


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