Saturday, December 28, 2013

Today's reading:  Acts 27-28

"...We left on a boat whose home port was Adramyttium; it was scheduled to make several stops at ports along the coast of the province of Asia."  Acts 27:2 NLT

Allow my mind to wander, if you will...

A boat filled with sailors.  Sons of praying mothers.  Husbands of believing women.  Fathers of children needing to be raised to know and love Jesus.

And it happens Paul was appointed to be on their boat.

And it happens that the detours, storms, shipwrecks, lay-overs in un-scheduled ports, allowed these men to see Paul--and experience Paul's faith.

These men came back from this journey with different stories to tell than the ones they had planned.

Were their hearts changed?  Did their families change after this trip to sea?

And me...

Who will God place in my path today?  What detours or changes of plans will be more God-ordained than Malinda-approved?

Whose lives might I touch today for God?

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