Saturday, August 3, 2024


Today's reading: Ezekiel 43-48

"As to property, the priests will not have any, for I alone am their inheritance." Ezekiel 44:28 NLT

If God were all you had, would He be enough?

We would all religiously answer, YES!

But if we got down to the nitty-gritty, the basics, the fundamentals, the comfort of it--would that be our answer?

If our funds were depleted from our checking accounts and all we had was God, would He be enough?

If our husbands were taken away from us and our children gone, would God be enough to fill the gap left in a longing heart?

If friends betrayed us and God was all that was left for us to confide in and lean upon, would we find Him sufficient?

Our Sunday School answer is, Of course--God is enough.

But my thoughts are this...

Is He enough on a bad day when I've had my feelings hurt and I want to vent to a friend--a friend that will feed my fury, fan the flame of my anger and agree with all I say?

Is He enough when things aren't going my way and I want them to--badly enough I go against all I hear Him asking me to do, all I see Him leading me to do, all I know He's commands me to do?

Is He enough when I want to numb how I feel all together with the internet, with mindless television shows or chocolate--instead of His Word, listening for His voice, being still in His presence?

Is He really enough for me? 

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