Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Today's reading:  Psalm 72-74

"Truly God is good to Israel, to those whose hearts are pure.  But as for me, I came so close to the edge of the cliff!  My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone."  Psalm 73:1-2 NLT

Asaph, the writer of this psalm, was not out hiking when his cliffside dilemna happened.  No, he was referring to a time in his life when he questioned God, questioned the prosperity of the wicked and questioned whether or not his commitment to God was worth it all.

Asaph and I are alot alike.

I have to keep a tight rein on my thoughts.  If I give heed to the ideas that race through my head I am overwhelmed and overcome with fear, doubt and worry.

Seeds of discontent sprout quickly in the fertile soil of my heart and head.  What can in the morning be a barren field can be overcome with tangling vines and deep-rooted weeds by day's end.  My path towards righteousness can become overgrown, I can lose my way and before I know it, I'm teetering on the edge of a cliff--like Asaph.

So I must cling to God.  I must keep my eyes trained on Him.  I have to, without a doubt, have to monitor what I allow myself to think about, stew over and harbor in my head.

You see, cliffs are everywhere.  Only God will keep me from slipping off the edge of one of them!  


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