Today's reading: Ezekiel 44-46
"So this is what the Sovereign Lord says: No foreigners, including those who live among the people of Israel, will enter my sanctuary if they have not been circumcised and do not love the Lord." Ezekiel 44:9 NLT
What if there were a machine of sorts that detected your love for the Lord at the door of the church?
A sensor. A test. A scan.
Would it do a computer check of your bank records to see how you've spent the money He has allotted you?
Would it do a quick review of all the interactions you've had with all the other 'made in His image' folks the previous week?
Would be a bug planted in your vehicle that recorded the conversations on your way to His house of worship?
Would it be an attitude-ometer that determined the reason and excitement you were experiencing upon approaching His presence?
Would you pass the test for loving the Lord?