Thursday, February 21, 2013

Today's reading:  Job 15-16

"...What has weakened your vision..?"  Job 15:11 NLT

Pink eye.  Iritis.  Blepharitis.  Keratitis.

All infections of the eye.  All instances where foreign objects, germs or bacteria, find themselves where they shouldn't be--and set up housekeeping.

Irritating.  Painful.  Annoying.  Itching.  Physically bothersome and spiritually fatal.

As Christians, we must constantly keep account of our vision.  We must check and re-check it for foreign entitities, blurred focus and decreased vision.

We cannot afford to allow our eyes to wander from our Lord.

We cannot afford to take our eyes off Him for any length of time, for any reason what so ever.

We cannot afford, in this world, to miss His direction and instruction.

I'm doing a vision check today on my spiritual peepers!

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