Tuesday, June 22, 2021


Today's reading: 1 King 19-22

"Elisha left the oxen standing there, rand after Elijah, and said to him, First let me go and kiss my father and mother good-bye, and then I will go with you! Elijah replied, Go on back! But consider what I have done to you." 1 Kings 19:20 NLT

Elijah knew the questions, doubts and concerns young Elisha might face upon returning home with his news and his new calling.

His excitement over his new ministry could quickly be doused by buckets of interrogations.

Ever been there?

When God spoke something to your heart?

Gave you a ministry?

Sparked a calling in your heart?

Spurred you on to do something for Him?

Then someone rained on your parade...

Someone quickly provided you with a list of why it would never work...

Gave you a run-down of reasons it would never fly...

Told you it had never been done before...

Quite possibly Elijah had walked that path before and wanted Elisha to beware. He wanted him to remember that the cloak, or the mantle had been passed, and his new role had been assigned.

Maybe today you need that reminder, too.

Remember Who has called you.

Remember Who you will be working for.

Remember Whose payroll you will be ultimately paid from.

Remember Who you will stand before and hear the words, Well done!

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