Thursday, January 1, 2015

Today's reading:  Job 1-2

"...The Lord gave me everything I had, and the Lord has taken it away.  Praise the name of the Lord!"  Job 1:21 NLT

Job had lost his family and his fortunes.

He didn't know it yet, but he was about to lose his health and realize the shallowness of his friends.

And yet he said what he said.

And I believe he meant every word.

I believe it based on the fact that I have read the entire book of Job--and he lives out what He proclaims in this verse.

I want that for my life for this year.  I want that depth of faith.  I want that type of relationship with my Creator.  I want that kind of trust in my God.

If God gives--Praise the name of the Lord!

If God takes away--Praise the name of the Lord!

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