Friday, July 19, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 11-12

"To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction." Proverbs 12:1 NLT

Ever been 'schooled'?

It's the current slang for having learned a lesson the hard way.

I think we've all been there, worn the red-face of it and now are on the other side--knowing more than we did.

Most of our 'schooling' is going to come with a fair share of discipline. Not the kind of discipline your grade school principal doled out at the end of a paddle, but the determined commitment to learn or achieve a new skill or habit.

In knitting it might require some tedious knits and purls, a whole lot of unraveling mistakes, and picking the knitting needles up again and again.

In dieting it might take some early morning wake-ups for walks, pushing past the desire to eat a donut, and making salad a choice over an entire pizza.

In our Christian walks this discipline, in an order to avoid being corrected, includes picking up our Bibles, bowing our heads and listening more intently to God's voice.

In just about everything in life, there is an easy way to learn something and a hard way.

Most times, we are the ones choosing which way we will gain a new bit of knowledge.

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