Sunday, September 20, 2020

Today's reading: Obadiah

My Life Application Bible puts it this way:

"The Edomites were proud of their city carved right into the rock. Today Sela, or Petra, is considered one of the marvels of the ancient world, but only as a tourist attraction."

As sure as the Edomites were of their defenses, the Edomites fell--and fell hard because their hope was in other than the One True God.

It will always happen that way.

Anything but God will disappoint eventually.

Oh, it might hold us up for a while.

It might keep us afloat for a good long time.

We might rest on our laurels a nice lengthy lifetime--but know this, there will come a time when knowing God will be the litmus test of out lives.

Is your life built upon Him?

Are your hopes resting on Him?

Is your future secure in Him?

Is your eternity bound in Him?

Is your salvation held by Him?

All else is sinking sand.

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