Thursday, August 15, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 96-98

Sing to the Lord, bless his name. Each day proclaim the good news that he saves." Psalm 96:2 NLT

If you discovered the cure for cancer, would you publish your findings?

If you won the 'Triple-Billion-Millionaire' lottery, would people know of your blessing?

If you obtained a calm in your life that escaped any adequate description, would you still try to tell others how to get it?

If you were a victor, would you announce it as loudly as our nation's Olympians did?

If you found out you would never die, would people know of your good fortune?

Well--you have, you did, you should, you can and you are supposed to...

Tell your Good News, that is.

Jesus, God's one and only Son, came to earth, lived a perfect life, performed miracle on miracle, died on a criminal's cross for crimes He did not do in order that you might know the gift of salvation, and He rose again on the third day--is that not news that should be shared?

How are you doing on the 'every day' part of the sharing?

Me? Not so well. But I'm reminded today that it's my privilege, my command, my opportunity and my only way of attempting to reciprocate even a small portion of His love for me!

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