Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 21-24

"Their father had given each of them valuable gifts of silver, gold and costly items, and also the ownership of some of Judah's fortified cities..." 2 Chronicles 21:3 NLT

In this passage we find that King Jehoram had gifted his sons with lucrative possessions. Gold, silver, costly items--and land!

Places to claim as their own. Acreage to plant their feet on and say, It's mine.

Our Father has done the same thing for us.

He has blessed us over and above anything we deserve. Monetarily. Emotionally. Physically.

But the land?

Maybe some of you hold deeds to the land on which you live, or a weekend vacation spot or a piece of property passed down from generation to generation, but I believe it's more than that.

I believe God gives us each a mission field.

Property on which to testify of His greatness.

A place, or places, in which we can spread the Good News about Him.

Spots on which we can take stands that allow others to see God through us, in us and working around us.

We are all landowners because of the loving kindness of our Father. 

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