Monday, July 11, 2016

Today's reading: Leviticus 13-15

Yes, today I was reading in Leviticus.

About contagious skin diseases, the ceremonial cleansings required for said skin diseases and what Levitical law required in regards to bodily discharges.

Yes, I read, but, no, I don't have anything to share with you on what I've read.

So I'll share what I noticed yesterday during worship service...

The song that caught my attention was 'You Deliver Me' by Selah.

Our church has been singing it for years, probably since it came out in 2009, if I were to guess.

Here's Selah's lyric, according to the internet...

Deep as the ocean, Bright as rain
This powerful emotion lifts me up above the planes
It's taken me to places I never thought I'd go
Showing me a grace I never thought I'd know

Here's what I've always sang...

Deep as the ocean, Bright as rain
This powerful emotion lifts me up above the pain
It's taken me to places I never thought I'd go
Showing me a grace I never thought I'd know

Here's what was on our screen yesterday...

Deep as the ocean, Bright as rain
This powerful emotion lifts us up above the plain
It's taken me to places I never thought I'd go
Showing me a grace I never thought I'd know

My mind caught, hung and lingers on the words about being 'up above the plain'.

Above ordinary. Beyond common. Greater than average. Not merging into the crowd but standing out. Not just simple. Adorned with characteristics that make folks take notice.

As a Christian, I should be up above the plain. I should be different. I should be walking with my head held higher and my convictions should be of greater worth than the world's. I should be noticed for how I live and Who I serve.

I should be living as the child of God I am...delivered from this world and being prepared for the next.

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