Wednesday, March 5, 2025


Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 3-4

"...You are acting like people who don't belong to the Lord." 1 Corinthians 3:3 NLT

Paul was reprimanding the church at Corinth for a hot topic dividing the church.

Church folks were arguing about which teacher was better, which spiritual father they claimed as best, which apostle was of highest regard.

Could have easily been about the color of the carpet, the type of music or the translation of the Bible--they were allowing something to divide them when they should have been drawing together.

We would never allow that to happen!

Would we?

Do we?

Every Sunday we allow personal preferences to keep us from unity with others inside our churches. 

Each church service we sit, talk, mingle and mix with those within our church houses that have common likes and dislikes as us.

We stay tucked into our comfort zones each worship service depending upon the greeters to take care of the new faces--and make sure they don't sit in our pew.

Not a Sunday goes by there are folks left on the margin of inclusion, feeling very alone in a crowded congregation.

Are we acting like we belong to Jesus when we allow that to happen?

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