Today's reading: Job 1-2
"When they saw Job from a distance, they scarcely recognized him..." Job 2:12 NLT
Job's friends, and I have to think they were close friends (having chosen to come and share in Job's grief), did well to know who Job was.
Was it the anguished look he wore? The tear-stained face? Might it have been the red, swollen eyes? The downcast spirit? The sorrow-torn clothing?
Exactly how far from Job were they when they couldn't recognize him?
You see, we have the same vision problem.
The farther we are from God, the less 'like Him' He looks.
When your Bible time has waned, you see less of Him in your day.
When your time on your knees has been non-existent, He isn't as recognizable.
When we choose to not make time in His presence a priority, others see less of Him in us.
We need to walk closely with the Lord in order to see Him clearly. The subtle, and not so subtle, ways He moves. The miracles, no matter the size, He performs. The comfort He chooses to give us.
We have to be close enough to Him to recognize His love, power, authority and grace!