Friday, February 5, 2016


The app on my phone says my trip is now just ten days away! I`ve been impatiently watching the days count down from #276, feeling like a child with their eye on the calendar for their `big` birthday or Christmas.

Ten days, although, is a little sobering.

Not fear, I honestly can say fear has not been one of the many emotions I`ve experienced in this whole wait, but an intense desire to make sure all is ready before I go.

Not really about the sloppy joes I`ve stored in the freezer for Dale to have for a few lunches.

Or the calendar I`ve laid out for those helping to keep Isaiah on track for school, play practice and church.

Or the things I`ve packed, re-packed and packed again for the trip.

What I`m thinking about today is the list of things I`m needing to make absolutely sure I have taken care of--in case I wouldn`t return.

No, I`m not sitting up nights thinking about it. I`ve not lost sleep. It`s not consuming my thoughts.

But it is a reality. But no more of a reality that what could happen when running to the grocery store, going on a quick trip to town or heading to church on Sunday morning.

Things happen.

Am I ready?

Do my loved ones know I love God and am His?

Have I done all He has purposed for me to do up to this point?

Am I sure, and are they sure, and are you sure, that we will meet again--no matter when or where?

Ten days to go, I know that. We aren`t all given a date, a time, an appointment, or a flight number--but are we living ready?

It will happen in a moment, in the blinking of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, the Christians who have died will be raised with transformed bodies. And then we who are living will be transformed so that we will never die. 1 Corinthians 15:52 NLT
Today`s reading: Isaiah 29-33

``That is why the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, says to the people of Israel, My people will no longer pale with fear or be ashamed. For when they see their many children and material blessings, they will recognize the holiness of the Holy One of Israel. They will stand in awe of the God of Israel.`` Isaiah 29:22-23 NLT

Do you know what it means to be anemic?

I thought I did, well I thought I knew where the definition would lead me--to a medical condition of the blood. A lacking of iron in the powerhouse of the body.

Pink, as our pastor said just this past Sunday.

What I found in Merriam-Webster`s collection of all things wordy, kind of surprised me...

anemic-not strong, forceful or impressive

Hmmm, not at all what I thought it would say.

And yet, doesn`t that go along nicely with today`s verse?

Until His people, us, me, you, begin to `notice` God, we`ll be anemic. We won`t notice Who our blessings come from,we will be too afraid to confront the enemy, we will hide our heads in the shame of our sins.

But when He lives in us--things will happen! Our bodies, the church of the living God, our homes, our witness will begin to gain health once again!

We won`t have lackluster men running for office.

We won`t have families falling apart on a daily basis.

We won`t have churches performing for society instead of worshipping God.

We won`t have prayers that go unanswered.

We won`t have lives that are not strong, forceful or impressive.

So, I ask you--without a series of bloodwork or doctor`s tests, are you anemic or are you living in vitality and strength, your heart pumping Living Blood?

It`s the question I`m asking myself this morning.

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