Monday, July 25, 2016

Today's reading: Leviticus 19-21

"Do not nurse hatred in your heart for any of your relatives." Leviticus 19:17 NLT

The conversation in our Sunday School class yesterday turned to praying for our enemies.

The ones who hurt us--and more specifically, the ones who hurt our loved ones.

There was heartfelt discussion. There were brokenness. There was confession.

There was, for me, a time of self-evaluation.

Part of the definition of the verb 'nurse', is to give special care or attention to or to feed.

Am I harboring hatred?

Am I keeping it stirred up like one might a campfire?

Am I tending more to the hatred I have rather than attempting to replace it with love?

Am I keeping my hatred fed rather than cutting of its lifeline to my heart and thoughts?

Am I discussing, at length sometimes, the downfalls of another rather than attempting to build them up?

Boy, am I re-thinking some of my thoughts, this morning.

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