Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Today's reading: Numbers 16-18

"The one you are really revolting against is the Lord.." Numbers 16:11 NLT

Revolting-renouncing allegiance or subjection; turning away with disgust.

Ever thought about sin?

Truly thought about it?

Murder, for example, is a crime against another, but is also turning one's back on what God has told us.

Adultery is not only a offense against a spouse, but is going against what God has declared to be lifelong.

Lying not only affects the one lied to, but turns our noses up at the truth God wants us to speak.

Sin is not about you and the person against whom you commit it.

It's about revolting against God.

It's saying you know better.

It's telling Him your way is easier, more comfortable and more profitable for you than His.

Sin is against the Lord--and the Lord alone.

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