Today's reading: Psalm 21-23
"My enemies surround me like a pack of dogs; an evil gang closes in on me..." Psalm 22:16 NLT
"You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies..." Psalm 23:5 NLT
It doesn't take watching too many action movies to know you don't turn your back on your enemies.
In order to fight them, you must keep your eye on them--face them, eye to eye.
David knew about these types of enemies, those he fought in the shepherd's field and those he fought politically.
He didn't turn his back on any of them.
But David notices that while the pack of dogs, the prowling lion and/or the jealous king stalked him, God had his back turned to it all--preparing a feast for him.
Setting the table.
Arranging the knives and forks.
Preparing a seating arrangement.
Folding the napkins.
Placing steaming bowls of food out for a banquet.
Fixing individual favorite foods.
And still David was protected.
God was well aware of the enemy at hand...
God was well aware of the power He held...
God was well aware of the victory He already held over any and all enemies--of His and of David's.
And it's the same for us!
God doesn't need to be tending to enemies, He doesn't have any!
What He wants us to see is that while we are worrying about those against us, He is preparing a table for us--in the presence of our enemies!