Friday, October 21, 2011

Today's reading: Nahum

"The Lord is a jealous God..." Nahum 1:2 NLT

We've heard it. We've read it. We think we understand it.

But do we?

Jealous is an adjective meaning to be intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness.

Does my Creator have reason to be jealous this morning of any activities, loved ones or undone tasks I am involved with? Who, or what, am I allowing to cut into my time with Him--and His time with me? Where in my day might He have reason to find me unfaithful in our relationship?

Might my attitude be 'stepping out on Him' in regards to various issues I face? Is my relationship with the clock casting a dark shadow over what I am willing to give/receive/do for my Lord?

Our God is a jealous God. How does that knowledge affect our day?

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