Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Today's reading: Numbers 8-10

"The Tabernacle was set up, and on that day the cloud covered it..." Numbers 9:15 NLT

It's been a very long, rainy and overcast winter here in southern Illinois.

Sure we've have a few warm, sunny days-but our cloudy days have far outnumbered the sunshine-y ones by a longshot.

So when I read this verse, my heart immediately went out to the Israelites...Bless their hearts, they're having an overcast day, too.

But I was wrong.

You see, when I re-read the verse, I found out that the cloud covering the Tabernacle, was the very presence of God. The guiding force of the Lord. The visible I Am. The Creator of the universe hovering near to them.

I immediately quit feeling sorry for them!

Maybe, just maybe, it's time I began to see our southern Illinois clouds in the same light.

-Seeing the beauty in the clouds He has formed.

-Noticing that in the slower speed of overcast days I have more time to ponder God's greatness and mercy.

-Pausing long enough to take note of today's rain assuring this summer's bounty.

-Allowing the droplets of precipitation to announce His presence in my otherwise normal day.

The clouds may cover my day, but God does, too. That's reason to celebrate!

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