Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 29-32

"These men called together their fellow Levites, and they purified themselves..." 2 Chronicles 29:15 NLT

I don't know about where you live, but the slogan, 'It's not about me', is everywhere.

The thought behind the chant is that we should put others first.

And, I agree.

To an extent.

The portion of Scripture this morning talks about the Levites, God's worship-team, called themselves together to 'get right with the Lord'.

They knew that in order to minister for the Lord, in ways that honored the Lord, to the people that the Lord sent their way--they needed their hearts and minds cleared of all else but God.

They, for the purpose of personal revival and renewal and restoration, said, It's about me...

It's about me and the Lord.

It's about me coming to grips with any sins I have in my life.

It;s about me remembering exactly who God is, and who I am not.

It's about me being reintroduced to my First Love.

It's about me making sure my walk matches my talk.

So, friend, while it isn't all about me, it is.

While it isn't all about you, it is.

Monday, October 30, 2023


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 7-9

"You must destroy all the nations the Lord God hands over to you. Show them no mercy and do not worship their gods. If you do, they will trap you." Deuteronomy 7:16 NLT

Has God had you stand on a mountain and look over all He has promised you?

Has He led you to believe success is yours? Victory is yours? Forgiveness is yours?

Has our Good God directed you into, and away from, a life of death and curses and into a life of blessings and life?

As He stood with you allowing you to catch a glimpse of all He has in store for you, did you hear Him say the words of this morning's verse?

It's important to know that dabbling in sin, revisiting old haunts and attempting to worship God and ourselves (or our little idols) will not work.

We cannot even lean into the idea of worshiping any but Him.

We cannot give in even to the smallest of tendencies to sin.

We cannot allow all He's done to be devoured up in a poor choice, no matter how well intending it may be or how very well controlled you think you are.

Sin traps.

Stay away from it, at all costs!

Sunday, October 29, 2023


Today's reading: James 4-5

"Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it." James 4:17 NLT

Let's be honest with each other this morning...

Most of us believe that 'sins' are things you do.





The 'big 4", but we could go on. Right?

There's adultery, disrespecting our parents, coveting, making false idols.

But James reminds me this morning that a 'sin' is anything we know we ought to do and don't do it.

It's the undone things that are sins, too.


Like not reading our Bibles regularly?

Not having an ongoing prayer conversation with the Lord--one where we talk to Him AND listen for Him?

Not making church attendance a top (yes, even ahead of sports) priority?

Not forgiving others?

Wow, it sure puts a new spin on the idea of sin, doesn't it?

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Today's reading: Acts 9-10

"The church then had peace throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria and it grew in strength and numbers. The believers were walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit." Acts 9:31 NLT

Dear Church,

When I think of how far we should have come from Acts till now, I'm a little disappointed in us.

Technology has allowed us to reach the masses, the other side of the world and across any language barrier there is--and yet, most of our neighbors we've never mentioned Christ to.

Conveniences have let us focus less on survival and more on thriving in our communities and tribes--and yet, we see people daily who are drained, defeated and depressed.

History, more importantly the Bible, has provided us with a track record of God's goodness, His faithfulness and His abilities--and yet those same Bibles, of which we probably have many in our homes, become more dust-covered artifacts than daily manuals for living.

Shame on us!

I don't believe we're walking in the fear of the Lord. Fear of our neighbor's assessment, fear of each others' opinions or fear of the unknown perhaps, but not fear of the Lord.

I don't think we are finding our comfort in the Holy Spirit. In the amounts massed in our checking accounts, 401K's and retirement funds, maybe. In the possessions we collect, and store, and grumble about having to maintain, maybe. In the homes we have been blessed with, yet don't open up to share God with others, maybe.

Shame on us!

The church in Acts had no more of God available to them than we do.

The church in Acts had no more skill, ability or knowledge than we have.

The church in Acts had no more reason to be chosen as working vessels in the Lord hands than we do, but they chose to allow it to happen.

What about us?

Do we want to see growth in number and in strength?

Do we want to see God's Word going out like a wildfire across a dry, grassy prairie?

Do we want to see souls, not just people, but souls, come to the Lord in the hundreds, in the thousands, en masse?

It's our choice.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Today's reading: Habakkuk

"How long, O Lord, must I call for for help? But you do not listen! Violence! I cry out, but you do not come to save." Habakkuk 1:2 NLT

Habakkuk couldn't see God moving, or answering, or seemingly 'giving a hoot' as to why violence and corruption continued after he lay broken open before the Lord in prayer. Habakkuk didn't feel like God even cared any more for the nation of Judah. Habakkuk didn't like the wait.

Been there? Currently camped out in that exact same position?

Let's clear up a little erroneous thinking this morning...

Just because you don't receive an answer to your prayers by the time you same 'Amen', does not mean God isn't listening.

Just because your burden isn't lifted at your request, does not mean God is ignoring you.

Just because you've been asked to wait by the Lord, does not mean He cares for you any less than any other soul He has created.

Just because you don't see God working, does not mean He isn't.

God's ways (and His timing and His plans) far exceed our measly desires. 

His works (the visible and invisible) cannot always be perceived by our human eyes, ears or hearts. 

God's purposes (His not our own) cannot be swayed, disrupted or comprehended by our little minds.

While we think God isn't at work and doesn't care--we're wrong. Oh, so wrong!

Thursday, October 26, 2023


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 1-2

"The sun rises and sets and hurries around to rise again." Ecclesiastes 1:5 NLT

I'm up each morning before the sun rises, so I get to watch God's grand opening of each and every morning.

There's nothing like it.

The colors.

The awe.

The glimmer in the dark, then the full blown sunrise.

To think, according to Solomon's words, the sun races around the earth to rise again.

It hurries to bring us the new mercies God promises.

It rushes to awaken us to new opportunities to experience God's grace.

It hastens to present us with a brand new day onto which He will write our stories.

It loses no time in giving us the gift of another twenty-four hours.

Always in the same place. Never not showing up. Dependable. Trustworthy. 

Good morning!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 122-124

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. May all who love this city prosper." Psalm 122:6 NLT

Here's the thing:

We don't have to understand the politics of the turmoil in Israel.

We don't have to have a firm grasp on the history of this hard-fought-for nation.

We don't have to be able to read Hebrew or understand the many traditions followed in this ancient city.

We don't even have to know where it is on a world map.

What we do have to do? We have to pray for the peace of this country, and this city.

God, through David, gave us the instruction.

This simple verse tells us to do it.

The command is not wrapped up in a tidy package of 'why's'.

The request is not made by someone you cannot trust.

The summons to dip your toe in the waters of world events is not dependent upon whether you've ever been there or will ever go there.

God pleads with us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

A city close to His heart. 

And, to be quite honest, if it's close to His heart--shouldn't it be close to ours?

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 25-28

"...for he said, These gods helped the kings of Aram, so they will help me, too, if I sacrifice to them." 2 Chronicles 28:23 NLT

If you've watched any television at all, you know when a story plot is going to end badly.

The same is true for any scary movie.

Whether it's the tense music leading up to the next scene.

Or the situation the star of the show has placed themselves in--a dark alley, a haunted house, a relationship that did not start out well.

We all know and expect certain outcomes when we view the entertainment industry's take on life as we know it.

The same should have been said of King Ahaz.

He should have taken notice of the previous kings who bowed to idols.

He should have taken into account the historical documents of those rulers who turned their backs on the One True God.

He should have seen a downfall coming when he chose to worship these trinkets who couldn't place themselves on a shelf, had no eyes to see and couldn't speak to his heart.

But he didn't listen to the 'soundtrack' playing.

What about you? Have you made a few choices lately that you knew, down deep in your heart, weren't going to end well? Gone against God's best for you? Chosen another route than the one God had given you?

Going against the Lord never ends well.

Monday, October 23, 2023


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 4-6

"Observe the Sabbath...Remember that you were once slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out with amazing power and mighty deeds. That is why the Lord your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day." Deuteronomy 5:12-15 NLT

Ever wondered WHY God asked us to participate in a day of rest? A day set aside specifically each and every week to think about all He has done and who He is?

It's to remember.

It's to remember that we, like the Israelites, were once held slave to something.

Slaves have no say. Slaves have no consideration given to them. Slaves have no day off.

God asks us to observe a Sabbath so that we pause to remember who we were, what we lacked, why we are able to experience the sweet taste of freedom today.

Are you taking advantage of this day set apart to remember?

Sunday, October 22, 2023


Today's reading: James 1-3

"Whatever is good and perfect comes to us from God above, who created all heaven's light. Unlike them, he never changes or casts shifting shadows." James 1:17 NLT

Today I'm pausing to consider the unchanging God I serve.

The one that remains the same for me as He did for my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.

The one who has not wavered in the promises He made to me or to generations before me.

The one whose very being is unedited, ageless, steadfast and true since He began time--and before.

The one who has not ever changed His stance, changed His mind, changed His truths or changed in His love for me.

The one who does not govern, ordain, orchestrate or offer salvation based upon His emotions or His feelings, but by the unchanging stability of His character.

I can trust Him.

I can depend upon Him.

I can give all I have to Him and expect Him to receive it, care for it and expand it in His way.

Friday, October 20, 2023


Today's reading: Nahum

"In his presence the mountains quake, and the hills melt away; the earth trembles, and its people are destroyed." Nahum 1:5 NLT

We sing songs about God's presence.

We read verses about God's presence.

We lean on the promise of God's presence.

But have you ever thought about the fact that our enemy cannot stand in God's presence?

Our enemy is brought low.

Our enemy is defeated.

Our enemy is humbled.

Our enemy is disarmed.

Our enemy is quieted.

Our enemy is subdued.

In God's presence our enemy cannot stand, cannot trick, cannot speak and cannot tempt.

Have you invited God into your presence, for your own comfort and for the disabling of your enemy?

Thursday, October 19, 2023


Today's reading: Proverbs 31

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing." Proverbs 31:8 NLT

I've got to admit, I've never read this verse before.

When it comes to Proverbs 31, verses 10-31 are the stars, the remaining verses were, to me, merely the prologues, the understudies, the 'also-rans'.

But this morning I see it.

Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves goes beyond donating to the widows and orphan fund.

It surpasses the t-shirts we might wear stating our opposition to sex-trafficking, abortion or segregation based on any reason.

It's much more more than voting the right candidate into office, making sure there are no dangling chads on your preference on the ballot or attending a rally.

I believe, and once again--I am a novice to this verse-- that it also means praying for those who cannot, will not and have not been praying for themselves.

Are you praying for those folks?

Are you mentioning their names to the Father?

Are you standing in the gap for someone who needs your Savior?

Praying someone to Jesus is the greatest thing you can do for someone who doesn't even know they need Him.

Asking God to step into their lives before they come face to face with Him at death is a valuable gift you can give those you love.

Rescuing the perishing, caring for the dying, praying for the souls of those lost in sin...that's speaking up.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 120-121

"I look up to the mountains--does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made the heavens and the earth." Psalm 121:1 NLT

I've got to admit, the Word has me looking deep within this morning.

It's got me re-evaluating.

It's got me thinking.

Where do I look for help?

Pushing aside the Sunday School answer, where do I actually look when trouble arises, questions need answering, problems present themselves?

Am I looking to the Lord?

Do I take the problems to Him after I have checked the bank balance?

Do I present my needs to Him after I've determined what Facebook followers suggest, Pinterest gives me ideas for or Instagram doesn't provide respite from?

Do I give God my greatest concerns and determine not to take them back?

Am I stating the greatness of the Lord with my words, or is my speech on repeat about the big-ness of the problem?

Where does my help come from? Am I going to the Source of all hope, the Provider of all I need, the One who can solve all my problems?

It's a lot to think about this early morning...

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 21-24

"...Ahaziah was given a decent burial because the people said, He was the grandson of Jehoshaphat--a man who sought the Lord with all his heart..." 2 Chronicles 22:9 NLT

I don't know what legacy you've been left by your grandparents, great-grandparents and great-great grandparents.

I don't know if you've been given good amounts of money, good genes or a good name because of your association with them.

Maybe you have inherited something of value, something of historical significance, something of sentimental worth.

Have you received, from your predecessors, godly examples to follow?

Were your ancestors of high regard in their church?

Did your family wholeheartedly serve the Lord?

While that type of inheritance is the greatest to be had, it won't get you to heaven.

You'll not be riding the coattails of a God-fearing, Bible-believing, church-attending relative into God's presence.

You won't be able to slip God the name of your deacon-Granddad and get a free pass.

You won't be able to mention Great-Grandma's name and be let in a special door.

God will ask, Do you know my Son?

Did you accept from Him the free gift of salvation?

Have you, you specifically, asked for forgiveness of your sins?

Godly heritage is a blessing to be had. It is not, however, a Get-Out-Of-Hell-Free card.

Monday, October 16, 2023


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 1-3

"But you rebelled against the command of the Lord your God and refused to go in. You murmured and complained in your tents..." Deuteronomy 1:26-27 NLT

There isn't a church you could attend in which you wouldn't have a list of complaints. Things needing corrected. Things needing addressed. Things needing undone.

Complaints are as varied and as unique as opinions. 

I don't mind listening to complaints, IF the person doing the complaining is doing and has done all that was asked of them by the Lord.

If they are obeying His commands.

If they are serving where He has asked.

If they are keeping their nose in the Word.

If they are cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit in their lives.

But if they are rebelling against God and just sitting in their tents with their arms crossed--well, I don't tend to give them a listening ear.

This very verse has given me pause this morning as to what I'm doing where I'm at. 

It's caused me to stop long enough to think over what is ruffling my feathers or getting my goat--and whether or not it's God-led or conviction-fed.

What about you?

Sunday, October 15, 2023


Today's reading: Hebrews 11-13

"...For God has said, I will never fail you. I will never forsake you." Hebrews 13:5 NLT

Never is an awfully big word, don't you think?

It's a tall order.

A monumental commitment.

But God said it. 

No one but Him could stand by such a statement. 

No one but Him could follow through on such an utterance.

No one but Him can be trusted to carry out, to the full measure, exactly what He means by 'never'.

Only God.

Saturday, October 14, 2023


Today's reading: Acts 5-6

"Go to the Temple and give the people this message of life!" Acts 5:20 NLT

Of all the places the apostles could have gone, should have gone, would have gone--the angel of the Lord told them to head to church with the message of life.

To church!

To church?

Shouldn't the church have known? 

Shouldn't we?

And yet, every Sunday, we (the church goers) drag our lifeless hearts into the front doors of the church.

We carry our hopelessness into the pews.

We sing the worship songs without joy, or peace or faith.

There is a message of life in Jesus' life and ministry and death on the cross!

It's as much for us churched folk as it is for the lost and dying world.

Have we forgotten that? Have we chosen to lose sight of that truth? Have we allowed the cares of the world to drown out the life-giving message of the Gospel?

Let's all find that message in our hearts today and take it with us into our worship services tomorrow!

Friday, October 13, 2023


Today's reading: Micah

"Where is another God like you, who pardons the sins of the survivors among his people? You cannot stay angry with your people forever, because you delight in showing mercy." Micah 7:18 NLT

Where, in all the other world religions, is another God who delights in showing mercy?

There are gods who demand allegiance.

Gods who rain down judgement.

There are religious elite that require sacrifice.

But you, Lord?

While You ask for our allegiance, judge between what is right and wrong and willingly accept the sacrifices we offer--You delight in showing us mercy!

No other god does that.

No other ruler reigns in love.

No other idol offers hope, forgiveness and grace.

Where is another God like You?

Thursday, October 12, 2023


Today's reading: Proverbs 29-30

"Every word of God proves true. He defends all who come to him for protection." Proverbs 30:5 NLT

I don't have to stay up nights wondering IF God's Word will prove out.

I don't have to wring my hands worrying IF the words in the Bible will play out as they've been written.

I don't have to question IF the promises I choose to stand on will come to pass.

I don't have to speculate as to IF the commands spoken of in the Holy Scriptures will truly bring about the blessings they say they will.

Every word of God proves true.

Every. Word.

Because of their track records, I can doubt what most people tell me.

Because of their lack of ability, I can question what others promise to me.

Because of their human characteristics, I can ponder if what another says will truly happen.

But not with God. Not with His words.

I can stand protected, secure, assured, filled with hope and redeemed because every word of God proves true!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 119

"Make me walk along the path of your commands, for that is where my happiness is found." Psalm 119:35 NLT


Interestingly, this psalmist chose to ask You to 'make me walk along the path of Your commands'.

Not just help me.

Not just nudge me in the right direction.

Not just provide suggestions.

He's asked that You not only give him direction, but that You insure by Your might, Your ways and Your order of the universe, he will follow Your commands.

He's asking, in my own terms, that You not leave it up to him.

I get that, Lord.

I cannot be trusted, even on the days when my resolve is steeled, to follow You.

I have the want to.

I am aware that it's the best for me.

I've seen it lived out.

But I cannot do it on my own. Every day. For very long. Without wavering.

So Lord, MAKE me walk along the path of Your commands.

Make me go ONLY where it is You would have me go.

Make me do ONLY what it is You want me to do.

Make me hear ONLY Your voice.

Make me desire ONLY You.

I don't want self-control, I want You in control.

Please, Lord--for the honor of Your name.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 16-20

"When the surrounding kingdoms heard that the Lord himself had fought against the enemies of Israel, the fear of God came over them." 2 Chronicles 20:29 NLT

Your enemy knows Whose you are.

He watches for opportune moments to step in and stir up trouble.

He keeps an eye out for the times when your faith lags, your hope is dimmed and your character is teetering on the edge.

He knows he has no chance with God watching over you, but he also knows there are occasions where you stray away from the Lord's side.

He watches for the days you believe you can handle it all yourself.

The circumstances that arise and knock the wind out of you.

It's those times when he chooses to pounce.

He rushes in.

He attempts to feed the little doubts, hoping to grow them into the size of mountains.

He is scared to death of God, but not so much of you.

So stay close to the Lord!

Walk so closely with Him that satan never has the opportunity to make his attacks.

Lean so dependently on the Lord that only when He moves will you move.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Today's reading: Numbers 33-36

"...When you come into the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as your special possession, these will be the boundaries." Numbers 34:2 NLT

Before they even stepped foot into the Promised Land, God had Moses proclaim the boundaries of their newly inherited property.

From here to there. From that point to this.

A specified area. A denoted acreage. An appointed expanse.

What they could claim as their own. 

What they were to steward as theirs.

What they were to protect, guard and keep as their prized possession.

God has not changed His mind on what's belonging to His special people. He has not 'sold off' some property to settle a debt, to soften a dispute, to offer as appeasement in a dispute among neighboring nations.

This land is still God's. It still belongs to His people. It's still part of the family inheritance. It's still a prime piece of real estate the world would love to obtain as their own.

Sunday, October 8, 2023


Today's reading: Hebrews 8-10

"But only the high priest goes into the Most Holy Place, and only once a year, and always with blood, which he offers to God to cover his own sins and the sins the people have committed in ignorance." Hebrews 9:7 NLT

Maybe you have a wonderful pastor, I won't say the 'best', because that title is already taken by the pastor of my church--but say you had a great one...

Imagine completely depending upon that great man to go ONCE A YEAR into the church to ask forgiveness for your sins.

ONCE A YEAR to seek God on your behalf.

ONCE A YEAR to pray for himself, to make sure he was in right standing with God in order that he might offer sacrifice for your sins ONCE A YEAR.

ONCE A YEAR you see him cross the threshold of that special place, all your hope resting on his abilities and words.

That's putting a whole lot of weight on the shoulders of another faulty human.

What if, that ONCE A YEAR, he failed to mention your name? Sure, he remembered all the others on your pew, but failed to remember your name...so forgiveness had to wait another year.

What if, THAT ONCE A YEAR, he had his own sins to account for. Sins that took up all his time in the Most Holy Place.

Aren't you glad we have a High Priest who went before God once for us, didn't have to settle his own account with God and does not forget?

Aren't you thrilled to know that daily, hourly and minute by minute we can be in touch with that High Priest in order that our accounts remain settled?

Aren't you assured to know that High Priest's sacrifice was enough for you, enough for me, enough for the world, for all time?

We have a great High Priest. Jesus is His name.

Saturday, October 7, 2023


Today's reading: Acts 3-4

"When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for some money." Acts 3:3 NLT

Now I don't think Peter and John were dressed to the nines.

I don't believe they wore the latest in Jerusalem fashion.

I don't think they had arrived in style.

But this crippled man saw something in them he wanted.

Needed really.

They carried something within them that led this needy fella had been looking for.

Know what?

We have within us what the needy around us need, too.

Believer, we have the Holy Spirit coursing through our veins, radiating from our spirits, reflecting from our hearts and, hopefully, showing up on our faces.

We should be living lives that make the needy ask us for a piece of Him!

Friday, October 6, 2023


Today's reading: Jonah

"But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction to get away from the Lord..." Jonah 1:3 NLT

I'd never do that, you say.

What was he thinking, you exclaim.

No one in their right mind would blatantly go against the Lord, you mutter.

As you, and I, do the exact same thing we see Jonah doing.

Oh, maybe we don't go in the opposite direction--but we change His instructions just a bit to make them a little less chafing.

Or, we postpone His command until a more convenient time for us.

Or, we disregard His instructions, writing them off as a crazy whim we've dreamed up in our own minds.

But here is the truth: If we're not obeying the Lord, we're disobeying. We're 'purchasing a ticket' to get away from the Lord.

I don't know what God's asking you to do, but I doubt it's highly unlikely that He is asking you to do something as large as what He requested of Jonah.

So do your little thing.

With your whole heart.

As hard as it might appear to be to do.


Thursday, October 5, 2023


Today's reading: Proverbs 28

"The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions." Proverbs 28:1 NLT

The newest fad is finding out what personality type you are based on the enneagram.

Before that it was what color suited your character traits.

And before that, we were assigned animals to denote what kind of person you were.

If I remember correctly, a loyal and devoted person was said to be like a golden retriever.

A hard working and industrious individual was said to have otter-like tendencies.

Maybe a lazy person was a sloth?

And a person with exuberance was a tiger...but I may be crossing my psychological demarcations with what I know of Winnie the Pooh and his 100 Acre Woods friends.

All that to say this...

Christian friend, are you as bold as a lion in your beliefs, your desire to share Christ and your determination that all should know the Hope you have?

Do you stand your ground?

Do you watch for opportunities to jump into conversations?

Do you determine what topics are discussed around you--and what things are off limits?

We have a great, big God living within us. Shouldn't that make us bold?

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Today's reading: Psalm 117-118

"In my distress I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered me and rescued me." Psalm 118:5 NLT

Our lying, cheating, thief of an enemy likes to make us think we must have our lives cleaned up, our messes straightened out and our issues corrected BEFORE we can call out to the Lord for help.

That's a lie!

It's in our messiness, in our gutters, in our depths of despair that we realize how desperately we need a Savior.

It's in the middle of long dark nights, while the storms rage about us, when our minds and hearts seek for a safe harbor that we know we need more, much more, than we can do for ourselves.

It's in those places, those low places, where we are most in need, most vulnerable and most open to all God has to offer us.

So where you are, whether it's chaotic or ordered, grubby or dusted and swept clean, wrong or right--call out to Him.

He will answer you.

From where ever you are.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 11-15

"But whenever you were in distress and turned to the Lord, the  God of Israel, and sought him out, you found him." 2 Chronicles 15:4 NLT

Distress, it can be caused by others--or it can be by our own doing.

Distress leaves us needing something, lacking something, having to deal with something or wishing something had never happened.

Distress, at the mere scent of it or in the depths of it, can be used to turn us to the Lord.

And when we turn...

We we seek Him out...

When we repent of our sins or surrender to His all-knowing and all-loving will...

We will find Him.


With His arms wide open, ready to accept us. Scooping us up into His lap and showering us with His grace.

Monday, October 2, 2023


Today's reading: Numbers 29-32

"Then Moses sent them out, a thousand men from each tribe, and Phinehas son of Eleazar the priest led them into battle. They carried along the holy objects of the sanctuary and the trumpets for sounding the charge." Numbers 31:6 NLT

Imagine Moses sending out this delegation of troops to fight the Midianites. 

These soldiers were handpicked from each tribe, I can imagine the biggest, burliest, strongest and fastest men from each of the camps.

The affront was that the Midianites had led the Israelites into idol worship--and that brought the curse of death upon these heathen people.

So what did Moses do? He gathered up the army. He gave the instructions. He reminded them that it was the Lord's war...and he sent the priest to lead them carrying the holy objects from the sanctuary.

The man leading the charge was appointed by God, a representative of God, a man who God had chosen to speak to the people on behalf of God. The objects from the sacred tent reminded them that the battle they fought was important to God.

Makes me wonder, as I think about the stands I might need to take today--what will be leading me?

Will it be my own personal preferences or comfort?

Will it be driven by embarrassment?

Will social media stir me up?

Will the group I'm listening to determine my battle plans?

My prayer this morning is that my battles, and I know there will be some during the day, be led wholly and completely by my Great Priest!

I'm asking God to go before me, to walk with me, to take His place beside me and to go within me--so that I am led by Him to do His will, in His way, at the time He appoints.

Sunday, October 1, 2023


Today's reading: Hebrews 5-7

"There is so much more we would like to say about this. But you don't seem to listen, so it's hard to make you understand." Hebrews 5:11 NLT

Could Paul, the assumed writer of Hebrews, be speaking to your church in this letter?

The people he has helped to establish faith, the people he warned would have hard times because they became followers, the people he earnestly and fervently prayed for...

Yes, even all those years ago, I believe Paul, led by God, wrote these words to the church of 2023.

Could he be speaking directly to your heart? In regards to matters he sees you struggling with?

Is there something the Lord has convicted your heart of, but you stand there with your fingers in your ears?

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