Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 75-77

"You don't let me sleep. I am too distressed even to pray!" Psalm 77:4 NLT

Ever had one of those sleepless nights?

You toss and turn. You notice every single hour on the clock. You cannot get comfortable. You cannot turn off your mind. You cannot close the shutters of your eyes and drift off to sleep.

Maybe the world keeps knocking at the door of your thoughts. The happenings of the day are on repeat in your head. The conversations or events on instant replay.

Or your planner pages loom large.

Or fears grow the later it gets. Worries enlarge with the moonlight. Doubts arise as the sun sets.

Whatever the reason, sleep eludes you.

You wonder why in the world God isn't granting you a peaceful night's sleep?

Maybe it's so you and He can talk...or better yet, so you can listen.

Might it be He has heard plenty of your requests for a while and would like to provide you with some responses?

Could it be He has some things He would like to speak to you about in regards to those burdens you have been carrying around?

Maybe, just maybe, He thinks you need to hear Him whisper assurances, sweet assurances into your heart?

It could be He isn't letting you sleep...

He isn't even allowing you the words to pray...

So you can listen, just for a while.

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