Thursday, September 8, 2016

Today's reading: Proverbs 22

"Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it." Proverbs 22:6 NLT

I was raised hearing this verse quoted.

I am raising our son while grasping firmly to the probabilities of this verse...not the promise of it, because it is not a promise, but a probability.

One that I am experiencing more and more personally as September 28th gets closer and closer.

The tall man-child in our home will get his driver's license on September 28th. All his hours behind the wheel, his hours with a driving instructor, his time studying the pages of his Rules Of The Road book will begin to be tested.

He will be choosing his own path.

I won't be chauffeuring him around any longer. I won't be taking him where he needs taken. I won't be completely in charge of him safely getting from Point A to Point B.

He will be making decisions that will impact himself and others.

He will be drawing on the experiences he has had with us in the vehicle. He will be making quick judgements about how we might handle decisions if in the circumstances he will find himself in.

And I know there will be mistakes made. Fender benders, of the heart, mind, soul and Camry.

But I know God will be with him. Guiding him. Directing him. Whispering in his ear. Reminding him of all he has heard, seen and watched.

So that my boy will choose the right road. At the right speed. Safely.

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