Friday, September 12, 2014

Today's reading:  Amos 1-4

"...But still you wouldn't turn to me, says the Lord."  Amos 4:10 NLT

Just what will it take for us to truly, without doubt or reservation, turn to God and completely away from sin?

Even the most godly among us struggle with day to day temptations or testings of our faith.

The newest on this walk come up against obstacles that cause discouragement and defeat.

But what will it truly take in your own life to grasp the reality?  To 'sell you' on it?  To cause you to have a faith in God so unshakable and so un-moving that there is no doubt in your mind--no matter the circumstances?  To turn your back on sin and it's lures?

Does it scare you to think about what it will take for Him to wholeheartedly get your attention?

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