Monday, September 15, 2014

Today's reading:  Numbers 21-24

"...But the people grew impatient along the way..."  Numbers 21:4 NLT

It's not just a problem the Hebrew children dealt with.

It's not just a predicament the young in Christ find themselves in.

It's not just a trap satan sets for the so-so in their faith.

It affects all of us!

We believe His promises to do  mighty works within our willing hearts...

We see small progress...

We get distracted from the change He is making bits at a time...

And other things start to grab our attention.

Before we know it, impatience has taken root and is taking over our thoughts, minds and hearts.

And trouble soon follows.  Discontent rears its ugly head.  Doubts begin to pile up.  Failure looms.  Our past is set before our minds.

What can you do today to make sure impatience gets no stronghold in your life?    

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