Friday, February 28, 2025


Today's reading: Judges 17-21

"So Micah's carved image was worshiped by the tribe of Dan as long as the Tabernacle of God remained at Shiloh." Judges 18:31 NLT

The tribe of Dan was faithful. The tribe of Dan honored tradition. The tribe of Dan were committed.


Just because something is faithfully done does not mean it is of God.

Just because something is done inside a church does not mean it is God ordained.

Just because someone attends a church regularly does not mean they are a Christian.

I am urged by this portion of Scripture to look deeply into the 'why' of all I do in the name of being God's child.

Why I worship the way I do.

Why I attend the church I attend.

Why I believe what I believe.

Why I hold dear the traditions I keep.

Why I follow who I follow.

If it's out of tradition, or as one might say, Because grandpa did it this way, I need to evaluate--and pray.

Just because it's always been is not Biblical.

Thursday, February 27, 2025


Today's reading: Genesis 32-35

Then Jacob prayed, “O God of my grandfather Abraham, and God of my father, Isaac—O Lord, you told me, ‘Return to your own land and to your relatives.’ And you promised me, ‘I will treat you kindly.’  I am not worthy of all the unfailing love and faithfulness you have shown to me, your servant. When I left home and crossed the Jordan River, I owned nothing except a walking stick. Now my household fills two large camps! Lord, please rescue me from the hand of my brother, Esau. I am afraid that he is coming to attack me, along with my wives and children. But you promised me, ‘I will surely treat you kindly, and I will multiply your descendants until they become as numerous as the sands along the seashore—too many to count.’” Genesis 32:9-12 NLT

As we listen to Jacob pray, we have to remember...

-Jacob didn't have 3.2(a 2024 average in American homes) printed Bibles laying about his home.

-Jacob probably couldn't read if he had owned the 3.2 Bibles.

-Jacob would have needed servants to carry the scrolls of Scripture any 1 Bible might require, let alone 3.2 of them.

Jacob held God's words in his heart.

A place where they were stored as treasures.

A place where they were safe from anyone stealing them away.

Jacob was able to pray with confidence the words God had spoken to him.

Word for word.

In context.

God's promises, not a preacher's homiletic presentation, an author's commentary or a 'story passed down from friend to friend'.

Jacob spoke God's promises back him because he held them so near and dear to his heart.

Friend, shouldn't we do the same?

Shouldn't our Bibles be poured over, searched through and studied so in depth that we know God's words by heart--so much so, that we use His own words in all our requests?

Dust off your Bibles.

Hide His words in your heart.

Know Him well enough to quote Him!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 1-2

"God will surely do this for you, for he always does just what he says, and he is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:9 NLT

If you are a believer, one who has prayed the prayer of faith, believe in the virgin birth, perfect life, unwarranted death and miraculous resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ--you have done it by invitation only.

God wooed you to Himself.

God beckoned you to a relationship with Him.

God drew your soul to His spirit.

God solicited your attention to your need for a Savior.

God bid you come to Him for forgiveness.

Interestingly, He did so knowing all there was to know about you!

Your past.

At the time, your present.

All your future.

Knowing all of that, He invited you into a friendship with Him that would change your life!

You are His by invitation only.

Specially selected.

Lovingly chosen.



Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Today's reading: Matthew 21-22

"Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the merchants and their customers. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the stalls of those selling doves. He said, The Scriptures declare, 'My Temple will be called a place of prayer', but you have turned it into a den of thieves!" Matthew 21:12-13 NLT 

I'll be so forward enough to ask of you what I hear God asking of me...

What have I turned His temple into?

     The church I attend.

     The house of God where I worship.

     The pew I occupy.

     The fellowship of believers I call my family.

Is it the house of prayer He intended it to be?

     Or is it a social club where I meet up with my cliques?

     Or a place where I occasionally volunteer--when it's not ball season, vacation season or a busy season?

     Or a place of prominence in the facade I'm wanting my life to have?

     Or a box to check off in my list of 'things to do as a Christian'?

     Or a spot where all the juicy gossip is offered for the taking? 

These verses have made me think. Made me examine my heart. Made me question my attitude and heart as I participate in church.

     May my church be blessed because I have prayed for it, over it, with it and in it.

     May the outreaches of my church be impactful because I know the Savior we're 'handing out' to others.

     May my church leadership be lifted up and encouraged by my support of them.

     May my church grow because I choose to grow spiritually through the week.

     May my church be honored because of the life I lead outside its doors.

    May the God my church worships be glorified because of my determination to live a holy life.

Lots to think about in terms of what I am doing to my church...


Monday, February 24, 2025


Today's reading: Isaiah 40-44

"A voice said, Shout! I asked, What should I shout? Shout that the people are like the grass that dies away. Their beauty fades as quickly as the beauty of the flowers in a field. The grass withers, and the flowers fade beneath the breath of the Lord. And so it is with people. The grass withers, and the flowers fade, but the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:6-8 NLT

If you are wondering, Christian brother or sister, what you should be doing--Shout!

Shout out the words of God.

Shout out the promises of the Bible.

Shout out the way of salvation provided by Jesus Christ.

Shout out the impending torment, devastation and judgement that is to come.

Don't whisper.

Don't attempt to work them into conversations.

Don't wait until asked about them.

Time is too short.

Death is not always a date several calendar pages away.

Life, to be lived as fully as God intends, requires Him in it.

So, Shout!


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Today's reading: Job 15-16

"But that's not what I would do. I would speak in a way that helps you. I would try to take away your grief."

Job 16:5 NLT

Watch what you say to people.

In their time of need...

In their time of pain...

In their time of grief...

In their time of conviction...

Watch what you say.

Because the most well meaning of us...

The most sincere of us...

The most loving of us...

Will undoubtedly say something wrong, something not quite appropriate, something that comes across more like criticism than comfort, something that pours salt in their wounds.

Even when it's a verse quoted, in context, directly out of the Word.

Let's all choose to follow God's leading in what to say to hurting friends. Let's allow His love to flow through us and into them. Let's not assume we need to say anything at all--and go from there.

Saturday, February 22, 2025


Today's reading: Psalm 21-23

"My enemies surround me like a pack of dogs; an evil gang closes in on me..." Psalm 22:16 NLT

"You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies..." Psalm 23:5 NLT

It doesn't take watching too many action movies to know you don't turn your back on your enemies.

In order to fight them, you must keep your eye on them--face them, eye to eye.

David knew about these types of enemies, those he fought in the shepherd's field and those he fought politically.

He didn't turn his back on any of them.

But David notices that while the pack of dogs, the prowling lion and/or the jealous king stalked him, God had his back turned to it all--preparing a feast for him.

Setting the table.

Arranging the knives and forks.

Preparing a seating arrangement.

Folding the napkins.

Placing steaming bowls of food out for a banquet.

Fixing individual favorite foods.

And still David was protected. 

God was well aware of the enemy at hand...

God was well aware of the power He held...

God was well aware of the victory He already held over any and all enemies--of His and of David's.

And it's the same for us!

God doesn't need to be tending to enemies, He doesn't have any! 

What He wants us to see is that while we are worrying about those against us, He is preparing a table for us--in the presence of our enemies!

Friday, February 21, 2025


Today's reading: Judges 12-16

"One day when Samson was in Timnah, he noticed a certain Philistine woman. When he returned home, he told his father and mother, I want to marry a young Philistine woman I saw in Timnah." Judges 14:1 NLT

Just this morning...

This very day...

I saw it.

I saw where Samson's story went wrong.

His saddening downfall started within the first 2 words he spoke in this narrative of his life...

I want.

It was downhill from there. The crossing of tribal lines. The falling head over heels with the wrong gal. The deception. The heartache. The tryst with Delilah. The capture. The imprisonment. The collapse.

And it very well could be for us, too.

If we want something God doesn't want for us.

If we go after something God doesn't intend for us to have.

If we seek things God doesn't intend for our lives to hold.

If we desire our way above His.

Those two words can lead to turmoil and chaos in our lives.

But if we changed the wording...

If with our heart we choose to say, I want what God wants for me...

Horizons broaden. Heights are limitless. Promises are upheld. Miracles are observed. Lives are lived to the full potential of the One who created them. Hearts are changed. Eternity is secured.

Oh, that we would choose what He wants, rather than what we want!

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Today's reading: Genesis 28-31

"...But God has seen your cruelty and my hard work..." Genesis 32:42 NLT

The account of Jacob is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, hard work and unfairness.

Our lives are like that, too, aren't they?

Jacob felt God with him.

Jacob called upon the Lord in times of need.

Jacob referenced the Almighty in regards to all the blessings he had received.

Jacob listened and obeyed as God directed him to stay, or to go.

And in the end, despite the turmoil with his father-in-law, Jacob remembered what we all need to keep in mind...

God has seen.

Those three words evoke hope in our hearts.

They should stir up faith in our deepest core.

The enormity of them will get us through the toughest of times.

Nothing we endure goes unseen by our Father.

Nothing anyone does to us slips under His radar.

Nothing comes into our lives without having first being known by Him.

Even today.

Even now.

Even 'this', whatever your 'this' might currently be.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Today's reading: Romans 15-16

"So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NLT

A short phrase in this single verse has given my heart pause this morning.

'Overflow with hope'.

To overflow means to have more than enough to fill.

Overflow means to have enough that it spills over...going outside the original receptacle.

Overflow, in regards to hope, tells me that while I wait in hopeful anticipation of all that God is going to do for me, I have enough hope to pour into the lives of others.

Others who are possibly lacking in faith.

Others who might be wasting away with worry.

Overflowing in hope will look like me being confident in God's eventual answer to my prayer requests AND my assistance in helping another carry their burden until their petition is taken care of.

So, do you overflow with hope?

Do you have enough to keep you going AND encourage another in their wait?


Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Today's reading: Matthew 17-19

"If a shepherd has 100 sheep, and one wanders away and is lost, what will he do? Won't he leave the  99 others and go out into the hills to search for the lost one? And if he finds it, he will surely rejoice over it more than over the 99 that didn't wander away!" Matthew 18:12-13 NLT

I'll be more than a little honest with you...

Until this morning, I never considered it honorable, worth mentioning or something to be proud of, that I am one of the 99.

My testimony isn't littered with a whole lot of adjectives and adverbs.

My story doesn't have a lot of mountains and valleys.

My faith walk doesn't have passport stamps from 'far off countries'.

Is that something to be proud of?

Yes, in a God honoring way, of course.

And, no. No it isn't. It's really nothing I've done or can take credit for.

I stayed in the fold.

I stuck close to the Shepherd.

I remained in the presence of the other sheep.

But in my little 'part of the fold', I've also whispered the name of lost sheep to the Lord.

I've been there to cheer on, welcome in and help facilitate new sheep to the family.

I've cried with bitter tears over fellow sheep who chose to leave the safety of our Father's presence.

I've worked alongside other brothers and sisters to make sure our 'barn' is a safe place to live, to grow, to multiply and to learn daily how well cared for we are in the Good Shepherd's care.

I've been reminded, on numerous occasions, that I'm only in the fold because of God's grace, the Holy Spirit's drawing and Jesus's sacrifice.

But I've also had to watch my attitude when a returning sheep receives more attention than I'm currently receiving,

I've had to pray over my heart when I consider myself to be of any more worth than any other sheep walking on this great big blue and green orb.

I've had to ask forgiveness for taking for granted all the green pastures and still waters my Daddy provides for me.

I've had to constantly and continually keep a sledge hammer in hand to break down any walls my heart and mind might build between myself and other sheep within the fold.

I'm glad to be a 99--and I'm tickled to celebrate with the 1's as they come back home!


Monday, February 17, 2025


Today's reading: Isaiah 34-39

"Say to those who are afraid, Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you. And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the bling and unstop the ears of the deaf." Isaiah 35:3-5 NLT

Our verses today clearly tell my heart that sharing God's Word is beneficial in two distinct ways...

Firstly, sharing what Scripture says gives comfort to those who are afraid and being stalked by our enemy.

Secondly, speaking Scripture reminds us of God' promise to one day do a work so big that the blind will see and the deaf will hear clearly.

Don't you know someone who is scared to death right now? Maybe they've had a diagnosis show up out of nowhere. Maybe a financial difficulty has arrived on their doorstep. Maybe life's been hard on them and their glimmer of hope needs fanned back into a flame.

Share God's Word. You don't have to come up with some witty words of your own--share His. They are powerful, they are encouraging, they are life-changing!

And you?

Is there someone you're praying will see and hear the Truth before it's too late? A loved one who has thrown in the towel of faith. A child who wanders aimlessly in the far country. A spouse who doesn't have the relationship with God that you wish they would.

Trust the Word. Continue believing, even when you cannot see a thing happening. Keep on the straight and narrow, knowing God will when God determines it best. Speak the words of God over and to those who won't listen to you--He promises that His Word will not return void.

God's Word is for us to give and to take, to hand out and to take to heart, to share and to live.

Are you using it to its full potential?


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Today's reading: Job 13-14

"Tell me, what have I done wrong? Show me my rebellion and my sin." Job 13:23 NLT

As many mysteries as there are in the Word of God, we have one answer that we cannot question, cannot doubt, cannot have to debate...

We know why Job was experiencing all that he was.

Chapter 1 tells us the confidence God placed in Job, his faith walk and his integrity. This confidence is what allowed God to say 'yes' to the enemy's test.

But, Job didn't know this single, most important fact.

Job didn't know the 'why'.

But in his integrity...

In his desperate loyalty to the Lord...

In his heartfelt desire to please God...

He asks God, What have I done wrong?

He places himself before the Lord for examination.

He isn't blaming the Lord.

He isn't blaming the Chaldeans.

He isn't blaming the winds that swooped across the plains and knocked down the house his children were in.

He sought God about his own heart.

Do we do the same?

Instead of blame-placing, do we place ourselves before the Lord?

Instead of pointing the finger at another, do we draw God's attention to our own hearts?

Do we take the time, with all sincerity, to ask the Lord--what about my heart?


Saturday, February 15, 2025


Today's reading: Psalm 18-20

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold." Psalm 18:2 NLT

Let's be completely honest here...

While we may agree with David in what he states in this particular verse, do our words and actions line up with the statement?

Is the Lord your rock and fortress?

Is He where you run at the first sign of trouble?

Is He the very first one you call upon when trouble arrives on the scene? 

Is He where your strength comes from?

Is He the solid foundation your salvation is based upon?

Listen to your words--do they reflect your confidence in Him?

Look at your actions--do they portray what your hearts actually feels?

Watch your worries--do they pop up more often than your faith?

David says God is his rock and stronghold, and I believe we all can agree that he lived out that truth--just think about fighting the bears and the lions and the giants...

Maybe you say it, too--do your actions back up what you say?

Friday, February 14, 2025


Today's reading: Judges 7-11

"Gideon crept up just as a man was telling a friend a dream. The man said, I had this dream, and in my dream a loaf of barley bread came tumbling down into the Midianite camp. It hit a tent, turned it over, and knocked it flat! His friend said, Your dream can mean only one thing--God has given Gideon son of Joash, the Israelite, victory over all the armies united with Midian! When Gideon heard the dream and its interpretation, he thanked God. Then he returned to the Israelite camp and shouted--Get up! For the Lord has given you victory over the Midianites!" Judges 7:13-15 NLT

Gideon and a few from his army had crept up to his enemy's camp.

The silence of the dark night amplified the words he heard one of the opposing soldiers saying.

The conversation was just enough for Gideon, and his men, to know the enemy was afraid and they knew victory would not be theirs in the battle they were quickly approaching.

Gideon used his words, and the message in them, to convey confidence and encouragement to his men for the fight ahead.

Not that I advocate listening to your enemy on a regular basis, but there might be a few occasions where IF you did, you'd find out his words, his tactics, his repetitive attacks are stemming from one single, solitary emotion--fear!

Our enemy knows every single thing he does against us will be in all reality against God himself.

He knows in the epic battle of life, he is a loser.

He is well aware of his final destiny.

He still has the chains, bruises and location to prove his defeat.

He is also fully comprehending how tied his hands truly are in regards to our lives and his attacks on them.

In the dark of the night when you hear your enemy whispering doubts into your mind, stop and listen--he's the one that's afraid and wanting your company in feeling that way! 

Thursday, February 13, 2025


Today's reading: Genesis 24-27

"The servant asked, But suppose I can't find a young woman who will travel so far from home? May I then take Isaac there to live among your relatives?

No! Abraham warned. Be careful never to take my son there. For the Lord, the God of heaven, who took me from my father's house and my native land, solemnly promised to give this land to my offspring. He will send his angel ahead of you, and he will see to it that you find a young woman there to be my son's wife." Genesis 24:5-7 NLT

May we have a round of applause for Abraham and his stance on not wavering...

For not moving...

For not bending his rules...

For standing his ground...

For relying enough on God's promises to not move a muscle from the place God told him would be a promised inheritance...

It would have been easier to change his mind, for the servant, maybe for Isaac, and certainly for Rebekah.

It would have been understood in his social circles.

It might have seemed alright at the time.

But Abraham chose to believe God--for himself and for his family.

Do you have some rules you are firm on? A patch of ground(choice) you'll not waver from?  Do your friends and family know you've never budge on certain things?

May we all have stands we take that aren't there because we're bull-headed or stubborn, but because we know what the Word of God states!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Today's reading: Romans 13-14

"While we live, we live to please the Lord. And when we die, we go to be with the Lord. So in life and in death, we belong to the Lord." Romans 14:8 NLT

Do you recall being in grade school and having to shop for school supplies?

Pencils--#2 only, crayons, glue (or paste, if you are old enough), filler paper and kleenex?

Maybe as you progressed in the grades, you were also asked to purchase pocket folders, specific colors for specific classes?

What I recall most vividly was the time and effort it required for Mom, then myself as I got older, to get our name written on each item. Owner identification was required on every yellow pencil, on every box of crayons, on every bottle of glue and on every folder.

If the teacher found a runaway pencil on the floor--she knew who it belonged to.

If a box of crayons was found lingering on a shelf or a desktop--she knew the owner.

If a folder needed returned--she knew just who to get it to.

Isn't that what this verse says?

As believers, our lives are stamped with His name!

We should live in such a way that no matter where we are found throughout our day, people should see God's identification on us.

In the grocery store...

In the meeting...

In the midst of heated discussions or helping with homework...

Up to our elbows in dirty dishes...

Biting our tongue when He hasn't asked us to speak...

Accepting constructive criticism from a godly mentor...

People should see that we belong to the Lord--and we should remember that people can see it.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Today's reading: Matthew 14-16

"...So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he looked around at the high waves, he was terrified and began to sink. Save me, Lord! he shouted. Instantly, Jesus reached out his hand and grabbed him. You don't have much faith, Jesus said, Why did you doubt me?" Matthew 14:29-31 NLT

How often do you hear Jesus whisper to you, You don't have much faith. Why did you doubt me?

...When the storms rage.

...When the sea is beginning to churn.

...When the lake water is as still as glass, but you anxiously dread what's ahead.

It's a simple statement of fact: You don't have much faith.

The question He asks is harder on the heart...

Why did you doubt me?

Why do we doubt Him?

The One who died on the cross for our sins.

The Good Shepherd that has never failed to show up and guide us, feed us, protect us.

The Friend who always has our backs.

The Bread of Life that provides all we need until we dwell with Him in heaven where we will spend eternity.

The Light of the World that lives inside us and SO desires to shine outwardly toward a dark, lost world.

But to take the question one level deeper...

Why do we doubt Him?

We trust ourselves and we trust others, and we trust medicine, and we trust our plans--but Jesus, why do we ever doubt Jesus?'

We trust our power companies to provide 'at a touch' electricity, we trust our cars to start, we trust our banks to hold our money safely--but trust Jesus? With everything?

Knowing His track record.

Having been the recipients of His grace and mercy and rescue.

Being aware of all He is and all He has done.

Believing that He is perfect, loving, kind and generous.

Why do we not trust Jesus?

Monday, February 10, 2025


Today's reading: Isaiah 29-33

"My people will live in safety, quietly at home. They will be at rest." Isaiah 32:18 NLT

While Isaiah speaks to a time when the nation of Israel will be at peace, I am taking it more personally.

I'm claiming this statement of the Lord's to be my own.

To be for me.

To be in regards to my home--and this world isn't it!

But when I get to heaven?

When I arrive in my heavenly home, I will be completely safe, entirely at rest, I will have no need for doctors, medicines, umbrellas, kleenex or a bed!

This world, even on its best days, is a mere layover on a grander, greater, more glorious journey.

To borrow a few lines from an old hymn...

This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through

My treasures are laid up, Somewhere beyond the blue

The angels beckon me from heaven's open door

And I can't feel at home in this world anymore

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Today's reading: Job 11-12

"For the life of every living this is in his hand, and the breath of all humanity." Job 12:10 NLT

Maybe you have just returned from a 5-mile run.

Or you have just gotten home from the gym and an extensive workout with weights.

Or have just carried three fifty-pound bags of feed out to the barn. 

Maybe your strength was revealed in the fact that you got out of bed this morning, on your own--even when you didn't want to.

Or that you have gone 'X' number of days without a drink, or a cigarette, or an ounce of flour or sugar.

How strong you are!

And yet...

In your muscle-y strength, your next heart's beat and your next breath are given to you by God.

Anything at all you do, is through Him.

Don't you think that in our pride and arrogance, and forgetfulness, we absentmindedly remove that truth from our thinking.

We are nothing without God.

We have nothing without God.

We can do nothing without God.

The live we live and the breaths we take--all are from His hand!

Saturday, February 8, 2025


Today's reading: Psalm 15-17

"Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?

Those who lead blameless lives and do what is  right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts. Those who refuse to slander others or harm their neighbors or speak evil of their friends.

Those who despise persistent sinners, and honor the faithful followers of the Lord and keep their promises even when it hurts.

Those who do not charge interest on the money they lend, and who refuse to accept bribes to testify against the innocent. Such people will stand firm forever." Psalm 15

Well, according to David, none of us would be allowed into God's presence.

None of us lead blameless lives.

None of us are enough on our own.

Or always speak truth from sincere hearts.

Or never speak ill of others.

None of us are intolerant to sin, especially our own.

There are few, if any, absolute promise keepers among us.

And most of us are easily swayed by something, whether it be money or pride or being accepted.

But we have Jesus!

For those of us who have accepted His gift of salvation, He makes it possible for us to approach God!

Jesus's blood has made us right.

His 'enoughness' makes us good enough to come to God with any and all requests and praises.

Friday, February 7, 2025


Today's reading: Judges 1-6

"The angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal to Bokim with a message for the Israelites. He told them, I brought you out of Egypt into this land that I swore to give your ancestors, and I said I would never break my covenant with you. For your part, you were not to make any covenants with the people living in this land; instead you were to destroy their altars. Why, then, have you disobeyed my command?" Judges 2:1-2 NLT

Maybe you feel as if what God's asking of you is hard.

Maybe what He is asking you to give up will be gut wrenching.

Maybe where He is asking you to go will be way outside of you comfort zone.

Maybe who He is asking you to forgive is unforgiveable.

Here is what I see in the verses jumping off the page at me this morning: we have the easy part!

The only thing we are asked, by God, to do i/st to obey.

He has to follow through...

He has to make a blessing out of a curse...

He has to open doors and hearts and minds...

He has to orchestrate events that change lives and seal souls for eternity...

He has to enhance our tiny efforts and turn them into something gloriously God-sized...

Our part is simple.

Our part is easy.

Our part is only made do-able because we are His!

Truthfully, there is no reason in the world (or in the next) that we cannot do our part.

Thursday, February 6, 2025


Today's reading: Genesis 20-23

"Then Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in a bush. He took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering on the altar in place of his son." Genesis 22:13 NLT

Abraham was a goat herder. He raised them for food, for sacrifice and for trade.

Let's be safe to say, Abraham had a good eye for what made a good goat--what qualities a doe needed, what character traits a good ram required, if a newly born kid had potential.

That being said, I don't believe Abraham ever saw such a fine ram as he saw caught in the bushes that particular day! 

One perfect for sacrifice.

One absolutely right for the job at hand.

One that would take the place of his only son in an act of obedience required of him by God!

Ever been in such a place?

To have 'the check arrive at the time in order that you might pay the bill'?

To have 'a particular someone say a particular statement that allowed you to follow God's particular way'?

To have 'specific doors to close in your face'?

To have 'avenues opened up to you that were never opened before'?

To have the Word of God spoken to your heart at a pivotal moment in your life?

To see God's hand of protection on you at what could only be a God-ordained time?

Where have you seen your 'ram caught in the bush'? What have you seen God do, that only God could have done?

Either you have had one, or two, or you haven't asked for them in your life.

Which is it?

Would you dare to ask God to answer in such a God-sized way? Would you risk looking for the answer you've asked for?

Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Today's reading: Romans 11-12

"...When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask?" Romans 12:1 NLT

Let's be honest, this is the 'middle child' of Romans 12:1.

The first part of the verse, give your bodies to God as a living and holy sacrifice, usually gets all the fanfare, spotlight and sermonizing.

But this second part...

This second part is where the rubber meets the road.

Where the 'men are separated from the boys'.

Where faith becomes more of what its supposed to be, not just a descriptive word we label ourselves with.

Is there something God is asking you to do?

A role He is asking you to play?

A ministry He is asking you to become involved in?

A person He is asking you to speak to for Him?

I would urge you, as I am doing for myself, to lay each and every excuse as to why you can't/won't/shouldn't/couldn't up against the litmus test of this morning's verse...

When you think of what He has done for you, is this too much to ask?

Well, is it?

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Today's reading: Matthew 11-13

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hit it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field--and to get the treasure, too!

Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like a pearl merchant on the lookout for choice pearls. When he discovered a pearl of great value, he sold everything he owned and bought it!" Matthew 13:44-46 NLT

I will admit, I had a hard time opening up my heart to share this morning.

Could I have written to you--sure!

Might I have given you several points to consider--yes!

Would it have been easier to write about how these verses should change your life than share with you how it convicted me--absolutely!

Just what is it I am willing to give up in order to gain more Jesus?

Jesus spoke about a man who sold all he had in order to buy a field containing a treasure--righteousness.

He spoke again about a pearl buyer who sold all he had in order to purchase the prized pearl--godliness.

What might I unload at God's feet so that I am more ready to receive all He has for me?

What past time might I give up so that I will have more time to hear from Him?

What personal preferences might I fast from in order to be more open to His speaking to my heart?

I can easily say I've given Him my early mornings--but would I rise even earlier?

I can quickly list things I don't do so that I appear religious--but would I give up even more to appear holy?

I can present to you the fact that I am in my Bible every day--but what efforts am I making to get the Bible into me, and in turn out into the world I'm called to walk in?

I can tell you I will stand before groups of gals and share God's words--but am I making time one-on-one to share my testimony, my own personal account of how He came to me?

Yes friends, it would have been much easier to write to you today than to myself!

Consider your own 'fields and pearls' today as God speaks to your hearts.

Monday, February 3, 2025


Today's reading: Isaiah 23-28

"In that day the people will proclaim, This is our God. We trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings!" Isaiah 25:9 NLT

I don't know how long you've been praying for 'it'.

I don't know how many seasons you have endured and still your 'thorn' remains in place.

I don't know how many times you have seen glimpses of hope on the horizon, only to find out it was a mirage.

I do know this:

As a believer in the One True God...

As a child of the Creator of the heavens and the earth...

As one who has accepted Christ as your Savior and Shepherd and Friend...

That day is coming.

All that you are trusting Him for, will come to pass.

Every request that you have prayed for in His will, will be answered.

There will be a day when you will proclaim that He is trustworthy in all you have placed into His caring and loving hands!

Sunday, February 2, 2025


Today's reading: Job 9-10

"Then I could speak to him without fear, but I cannot do that in my own strength." Job 9:35 NLT

This verse ends Job's reply to his friend Bildad.

Bildad had laid down some pretty nasty assumptions about Job possibly depending upon things other than God for his security.

Job knew the truth.

Job knew how useless that would be.

Job knew his only hope was in God--and at that particular time in life, Job was having a hard time wondering if He was still on his side.

So he speaks from the heart.

He questions all he knows.

He states God's greatness and restates his own weakness.

Then we have the closing verse of chapter nine...

Job states that he cannot talk to God in his own strength.

He hasn't got it in him to approach the Creator.

He isn't capable of talking outright to the Lord.

He couldn't possibly put together a sense-making sentence in the presence of God.

Nor could we!

Thank God, as saved, born again Christians, we have Jesus and the Holy Spirit!

Jesus's blood places a covering over us that makes us able to approach God--

The Holy Spirit envelops the words we speak and makes them into what God will hear and understand--

And because of that, God willingly accepts us into His throne room with any and all needs/questions/petitions/complaints we might have!

"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16 NKJV

Saturday, February 1, 2025


Today's reading: Psalm 12-14

"The Lord's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over." Psalm 12:6 NLT

When a precious metal is 'refined', that means it is heated to the point at which its entirety melts and any impurities within it rise to the top and can be skimmed off by the metalworker.

To think David refers to God's promises as 'silver refined seven times', should cause us to attempt to grasp just how precious His promises are.

They are tested--and found to be true!

They are hope-filled--He will never, and can never, go back on His word!

They are entirely based upon His holiness--not on our own efforts!

They are timeless--not only did they stand for men like Noah and Moses, they stand true for us today!

Do you keep a list of God's promises before you at all times? Do you have a print off of what He promises? I'm attaching a link, maybe you will print it off and keep His promises constantly before you!

(This list was compiled by the Log Church from, not by me.)


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