Today's reading: Matthew 14-16
"...So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he looked around at the high waves, he was terrified and began to sink. Save me, Lord! he shouted. Instantly, Jesus reached out his hand and grabbed him. You don't have much faith, Jesus said, Why did you doubt me?" Matthew 14:29-31 NLT
How often do you hear Jesus whisper to you, You don't have much faith. Why did you doubt me?
...When the storms rage.
...When the sea is beginning to churn.
...When the lake water is as still as glass, but you anxiously dread what's ahead.
It's a simple statement of fact: You don't have much faith.
The question He asks is harder on the heart...
Why did you doubt me?
Why do we doubt Him?
The One who died on the cross for our sins.
The Good Shepherd that has never failed to show up and guide us, feed us, protect us.
The Friend who always has our backs.
The Bread of Life that provides all we need until we dwell with Him in heaven where we will spend eternity.
The Light of the World that lives inside us and SO desires to shine outwardly toward a dark, lost world.
But to take the question one level deeper...
Why do we doubt Him?
We trust ourselves and we trust others, and we trust medicine, and we trust our plans--but Jesus, why do we ever doubt Jesus?'
We trust our power companies to provide 'at a touch' electricity, we trust our cars to start, we trust our banks to hold our money safely--but trust Jesus? With everything?
Knowing His track record.
Having been the recipients of His grace and mercy and rescue.
Being aware of all He is and all He has done.
Believing that He is perfect, loving, kind and generous.
Why do we not trust Jesus?
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