Today's reading: Matthew 21-22
"Jesus entered the Temple and began to drive out the merchants and their customers. He knocked over the tables of the money changers and the stalls of those selling doves. He said, The Scriptures declare, 'My Temple will be called a place of prayer', but you have turned it into a den of thieves!" Matthew 21:12-13 NLT
I'll be so forward enough to ask of you what I hear God asking of me...
What have I turned His temple into?
The church I attend.
The house of God where I worship.
The pew I occupy.
The fellowship of believers I call my family.
Is it the house of prayer He intended it to be?
Or is it a social club where I meet up with my cliques?
Or a place where I occasionally volunteer--when it's not ball season, vacation season or a busy season?
Or a place of prominence in the facade I'm wanting my life to have?
Or a box to check off in my list of 'things to do as a Christian'?
Or a spot where all the juicy gossip is offered for the taking?
These verses have made me think. Made me examine my heart. Made me question my attitude and heart as I participate in church.
May my church be blessed because I have prayed for it, over it, with it and in it.
May the outreaches of my church be impactful because I know the Savior we're 'handing out' to others.
May my church leadership be lifted up and encouraged by my support of them.
May my church grow because I choose to grow spiritually through the week.
May my church be honored because of the life I lead outside its doors.
May the God my church worships be glorified because of my determination to live a holy life.
Lots to think about in terms of what I am doing to my church...
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