Today's reading: Isaiah 34-39
"Say to those who are afraid, Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you. And when he comes, he will open the eyes of the bling and unstop the ears of the deaf." Isaiah 35:3-5 NLT
Our verses today clearly tell my heart that sharing God's Word is beneficial in two distinct ways...
Firstly, sharing what Scripture says gives comfort to those who are afraid and being stalked by our enemy.
Secondly, speaking Scripture reminds us of God' promise to one day do a work so big that the blind will see and the deaf will hear clearly.
Don't you know someone who is scared to death right now? Maybe they've had a diagnosis show up out of nowhere. Maybe a financial difficulty has arrived on their doorstep. Maybe life's been hard on them and their glimmer of hope needs fanned back into a flame.
Share God's Word. You don't have to come up with some witty words of your own--share His. They are powerful, they are encouraging, they are life-changing!
And you?
Is there someone you're praying will see and hear the Truth before it's too late? A loved one who has thrown in the towel of faith. A child who wanders aimlessly in the far country. A spouse who doesn't have the relationship with God that you wish they would.
Trust the Word. Continue believing, even when you cannot see a thing happening. Keep on the straight and narrow, knowing God will when God determines it best. Speak the words of God over and to those who won't listen to you--He promises that His Word will not return void.
God's Word is for us to give and to take, to hand out and to take to heart, to share and to live.
Are you using it to its full potential?
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