Friday, June 21, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 5-6

"...and you will say, How I hated discipline! If only I had not demanded my own way!" Proverbs 5:12 NLT

Point 1: The exclamated (!) verses in the Bible always catch my eye.

While most verses are statements, or factual, or imperitives, when there is an exclamation point at the end, it denotes emotion, excitement and enthusiasm.

Things that truly catch my attention. 

Point 2: I can relate to the words of this proverb.

I'm stubborn. I'm controlling. I'm demanding. And to be quite honest, I prefer my way.

Point 3: This verse states a whole lifetime of truth into two sentences.

There is a reason for rules and when the rules aren't followed, consequences ensue.

It's certainly got me thinking this morning about the things for which I've demanded my own way. Things I refused to budge on because I knew better. Things I refused to let go of because it had led me to believe it did something for me nothing else could. Things I truly believed I could control and am now controlled by.

My prayer this morning is that God would remind me of this verse when I jerk away from Him and say, I can do this myself.

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