Thursday, June 20, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 72-74

"But as for me, I came so close to the edge of the cliff! My feet were slipping, and I was almost gone." Psalm 73:2 NLT

As we sit and pause over this dilemna, we might be lead to wonder what in the world the psalmist had done that left him dangling precariously over the edge of this 'cliff'?

What horrific sin had he committed that left him on the heels of disaster?

What commandment had been broken?

What carnal act had him on the precipice of death?

What vile deed was filling his soul with dread?

Let's read on to the next verse to find out...

"For I envied the proud when I saw them prosper despite their wickedness." Psalm 73:3 NLT

A thought? Envy? Desiring what another had?

It wasn't on my list of 'sins' when I was considering his possible wrongs.

But maybe, just maybe, if we would consider how slippery the slope of our thoughts can be, we would also realize how close we get to the edge of sin?

Thoughts left unchecked can lead to inner turmoil.

Thoughts left loose to wander can lead us to wrong ideas.

Thoughts not held up against the truth of God's Word can cause us to believe lies.

Thoughts not reined in can lead us to actions that are sins against God.

Do you see how powerful, important, divisive and impactful our thoughts can be?

Let's watch them closely. Let's keep a short leash on them. Let's keep them prayerfully brought before our Lord for His attention and correction.


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