Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Kings 14-18

" You have done more evil than all who lived before you. You have made other gods and have made me furious with your golden calves..." 1 Kings 14:9 NLT

I believe, Church, that we have a tendency to think that gods are things that are already established and 'set up' in places of honor.

We think they are the little trinkets that we bow down and worship.

We tend to believe they are formerly established sins that others lead us to worship.

But God tells Jeroboam in this passage that he, and the people of Israel, had made other gods.

In my personal opinion, that means more than manufactured them. More than carved them out of pieces of wood. More than fashioned them out of gold or silver.

They made them idols in their hearts before they ever made images for their hands to hold.

Isn't that where our sins begin?

When our thoughts are not held captive, or constantly up to the standards God has set for us, they lead us down wrong paths, to make wrong choices, to worship wrong saviors.

It's got me thinking this morning about what/who I have made into gods and placed before the One True God...and how very important it is for me to watch my thoughts and my heart!

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