Today's reading: Matthew 17-19
"If a shepherd has 100 sheep, and one wanders away and is lost, what will he do? Won't he leave the 99 others and go out into the hills to search for the lost one? And if he finds it, he will surely rejoice over it more than over the 99 that didn't wander away!" Matthew 18:12-13 NLT
I'll be more than a little honest with you...
Until this morning, I never considered it honorable, worth mentioning or something to be proud of, that I am one of the 99.
My testimony isn't littered with a whole lot of adjectives and adverbs.
My story doesn't have a lot of mountains and valleys.
My faith walk doesn't have passport stamps from 'far off countries'.
Is that something to be proud of?
Yes, in a God honoring way, of course.
And, no. No it isn't. It's really nothing I've done or can take credit for.
I stayed in the fold.
I stuck close to the Shepherd.
I remained in the presence of the other sheep.
But in my little 'part of the fold', I've also whispered the name of lost sheep to the Lord.
I've been there to cheer on, welcome in and help facilitate new sheep to the family.
I've cried with bitter tears over fellow sheep who chose to leave the safety of our Father's presence.
I've worked alongside other brothers and sisters to make sure our 'barn' is a safe place to live, to grow, to multiply and to learn daily how well cared for we are in the Good Shepherd's care.
I've been reminded, on numerous occasions, that I'm only in the fold because of God's grace, the Holy Spirit's drawing and Jesus's sacrifice.
But I've also had to watch my attitude when a returning sheep receives more attention than I'm currently receiving,
I've had to pray over my heart when I consider myself to be of any more worth than any other sheep walking on this great big blue and green orb.
I've had to ask forgiveness for taking for granted all the green pastures and still waters my Daddy provides for me.
I've had to constantly and continually keep a sledge hammer in hand to break down any walls my heart and mind might build between myself and other sheep within the fold.
I'm glad to be a 99--and I'm tickled to celebrate with the 1's as they come back home!