Saturday, October 12, 2024


Today's reading: Micah

"In the last days, the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem will become the most important place on earth. People from all over the world will go there to worship." Micah 4:1 NLT

From what I read, the 'last days' won't be a time of fun and fellowship. When all occurs that is prophesied in Revelation, the 'last days' will be filled with fear, wars, bloodshed and chaos.

So why, in this particular time period, will the Temple become so sought after?

It will be a place of peace. It will be a beacon of hope. It will be one of the only places where God can be found.

As time nears to an end, for us as individuals and for the world, we are drawn closer and closer to our Creator.

The One who made us. The One who will judge us. The One who will give us eternal life or eternal damnation.

The Church, whether it be in Jerusalem or in a small backroads community in the United States of America, there will come a time when people come in droves seeking Him.

As for right here and right now? Well, we mustn't wait to make Him our priority until the point at which we believe this world cannot get any worse. We shouldn't continue putting God off while we pursue activities that keep us out of fellowship with other believers. We cannot, for our sakes and the sakes of those we hope to introduce to our Savior, forfeit the assembling of ourselves together in worship, in hearing the Word of God and in growing in faith.

We can make the Lord's house the most important place on earth now, for ourselves.

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